So this is the last day of 2008! Talk about a sexy Wedensday,we have had a great run and as you can see I am already partying in a one man tub. I wish everyone a happy and Safe new year.
Good luck to the Pitt Panthers today and Penn state and Carolina tommorow!
Have a great couple of football over load -we will be back on Friday!
So All of us here at the MSM want to thank you for continued support of this Blogging non-sense.
Sports are a plenty today but there is no real big story out there, The Pens are in Boston tonight to take on Cheechoo and the Bruins. Big day of Bowl games in the next few days- I am really anxious to see the National Championship between the Gators and Sooners.
NFL playoff scenarios:
So now there are 1000 playoffs scenarios lets go through what is happening this weekend and give you our analysis of what we think is going to happen.
Wild Card weekend bird match up,
Arizona is in there first playoff in a very long time- who cares. Ok I will be nice it is the NFC anyone actually has a chance to win the NFC championship. So I will give them a 50/50.
Atlanta is riding a Major high after wrapping up a really good season , for them . In this battle of the birds I see Atlanta riding it out for one more game:
Match up numba two A battle of two very quiet teams whom have made a little rumble this year.
The colts have been quietly killing the rest of there schedule without anybody saying a word about it. They have the best chance to win this whole weekend.
The bolts are limping their way into the playoffs with an 8-8 record. That is kind of embarrassing on a lot of levels. As the Steelers guru that I am , I would like to see them upset those baby horses one more time.
I will go over the last two match ups tomorrow- possibly Thursday if AROD can grace us with a SEXY Wednesday from HONG KONG.
So How do we take this? Ben carted off on a stretcher during a meaningless game? well the good news is that he just has a second degree concussion. That is it. It looked way worse than it really where does this leave the steelers going into the regional finals? Um first off they are not called the regional finals and second of all it doesn't matter whom we play.
Lots of Pink Slips today around the NFL, Romeo Crennel was let go by gravity and now by the Cleavland Browns. Eric Mangeni of the Jets was let go in the we hours this morning because his jets had lost 4-of the last 5 games of the season. The given firing was to the Lions Head coach (first name) Marinelli whom in this dire economy times guided the Lions into infamy. 0-16 has never been achieved -congrats!
This is a huge week for sports, All the college Bowl games, College basketball is starting to pick up into the fun part of the schedule and of course this upcoming week of Wild Card games- to see whom will be heading toward the Lombardi one more time.
The Penguins are hosting the upstart and on fire Boston Bruins, the reason they are on fire right now is because up until tonight they have not played a playoff team or a team with a winning record. If you listen to NHL radio you would think that the BB were the second coming of the Edmonton Oilers from the Dynasty days.
I hope everyone is enjoying their holiday season , and that you are gearing up for 2009.Well I did get everything I wanted for Christmas - but there is just one more thing. A W over the Browns for like the 300th(11th) straight time. Most people are saying that the Steelers will be resting all the starters on O and minimal on D.
In other NFL news there is alot of playoff scenarios that are coming down to the last week of the season. Instead of going over whom we want to win-I really don't care whom wins or looses. All I care about is winning the next 5 games( today's included). I hope in the back of my mind that the Pats don't get in......but whatever.
Friday night in Tenacious D fashion they went into the old medowlands and slayed the DEVIL(s). 1-0. It doesn't matter how they win just as long as they get off their penguins butts and start winning. Oh and if you haven't voted for SID and Geno for the all star game in Montreal text PENS to 81812 - ( charges apply).
Couple of big bowl games this week , Pitt in the sun dandelion bowl, and Penn State in the Rose. Good luck and safe travels to the Brognano brothers as they make the trek from the burgh to Pasadena.
So tonight is the most exciting night of the year for most 10 and under. To be quite honest with you I still believe in Santa Clause. Sometimes you have to realize that Santa may not be a person but an action. The act of doing something nice during the holiday season may be a Santa- if you will. The act of giving , your time , money or an action for someone may be an act of Santa. I believe that we have more Santa's than we can count on a daily basis in our lives.
I am so thankful for this. When I have kids one day I am still going ( and hope ) to do such a good job like my parents did ,to let me be a kid and believe in Santa Clause. I still get excited to think of the day I can play Santa and see my kids faces Light up on Christmas day, like mine always did. I even asked my Grandparents if Santa was real and they said what did I believe- I said I did and they never corrected me or told me I was wrong.
The other part besides the presents and Santa , was going to Christmas eve Midnight Mass in PA. You can say what ever about religon but The Catholics on Christmas eve do it right. The myserium is at the highest point of the year and for a 10-15 or 31 year old kid it is almost enough to send you through the roof. If you are lucky it may snow where you are and you can have a white christmas. That would be my highlight- and I have had a white christmas on more that one occasion.
Christmas is also about going home to your families, Friends and relatives. As I get older I see this is the most important. The Holidays would be totally empty with out all of these things. I also get to see my dog- Lucy. Exciting I know and my Cat tigger.
But Finally I am just glad I am here to see another Christmas with my parents, to see the good in people ,and to see just how lucky I am . I am so lucky . That is what Christmas is to me.
The MSM will be off until Sunday, because my parents have Dial up- Sorry but I will be back in town this weekend in time for Steelers Sunday.
From JIM, MIKE, HECKLER, Arod and NIX( me) we thank you for such a successful year in this blogging non-sense and we look forward to the big 2009.
Last night in Penguins action the Pens came from an 0-2 deficit to upend the Buffalo Sabers in OT. Sidney Crosby had the game winner which was a magnificent goal if I have ever saw one. It went to review in Toronto and came back a winner. Along with the game winner , Dupius had his 7th of the year, along with Alex golagoski whom had his 5-6 too. Great start for the pens through the almost middle of the season.
So now there is a bunch of controversy after a few Titans stomped the Terrible towel on Television On Sunday. Head Coach Jeff Fisher said that it was OK and it was an emotional game- former Head coach Bill Cohwer took major offense. He went on to say that it was very disrespectful of the towel and that it basically would come back and hit them in the ass. All I am saying is if we get another shot at their crappy team- they are going to pay - O'Doyle rules.
NIX ( the Song is for Troop 69, best camping group ever)
First off it's alright. We know going into a season that you possibly can win every game you play-but if you do not cheat in some way or another( pats) you probably will loose a few games here and there.
The loss yesterday to the Titans was pretty bad. Considering that Ben Threw for 331 and we had a pretty good comeback until our OLINE went to sleep. I understand it is a long season and players are tired but we still have a first round bye, and #2 ranking in the AFC. ( 5 turnovers)( 3 Sacks by one titan)
God help those Titans if we get a chance at them in the playoffs. It wasn't bad enough that we lost but the stomped the terrible towel. Not smart. The steelers are not a cocky bunch but if you provoke us the JOE GREEN shows up and someone will get hurt.
I am in no way saying that it is ok that we lost, but it may be a blessing for the long run.
GO STILLERS get ready to beat the Browns for an 11 consecutive time.
Tonight Sid and the boys are on the road in Buffalo to play the sabers. The Pens are 2-3-0 in their past 5 games. Not to good. But We will have to see what happens following that 7-3 loss the other night to the leafs.
Hope everyone has a great start to their Christmas Week. If you are traveling please be careful and make sure you wish every one you meet a merry Christmas.
So we don't have Eat N' Park anymore, so what is the next best thing. Pre -gaming breakfast style at the ole' apartment( not bare naked Ladies)....Festivities start at 9:30am . Not only is there a tremendous amount of pressure on the Steeler O' tomorrow, Chrissy will be putting together the Breakfast portion of the tailgate for the Wally's faithful here in Columbia SC. We are looking forward to the last time we all get together before we all report one by one to our Families starting this week for the Baby Jesus/Santa thang!
(Actually Chrissy is making a breakfast casserole and I will be drinking IRON)
- KEYS for tomorrow's game.
A. Where is Vince Breakdown young?
B. Will our Offense roll?
C. Can we put away another huge game of the year- before the playoffs.
D. Will Zarnik believe that this is the biggest game in ten years for the Steelers( third Week In a row)
D-1. what is that thing on Kordell Stewarts Neck?
E. Will Old School do the Worm ?
I hope all the Steeler fans from around the Nation enjoy but Be careful ( as grand pap K says)!
I was sent a great article by the heckler in Louisville, and it is about the Steeler Defense. Here is the ESPN article with a video that is great. I hope you enjoy it. It really shows the character of our team, just a bunch of guys having fun.
So I just woke up. Yep that is the truth. I watched the Penguins win in Atlanta last night after a huge day of Christmas Shopping. A Rod has texted me from the Snow Fort known as his parents house in Colorado. He sent me some pictures of Mule Deer everywhere. I know I know so what does this have to do with the late blog- nothing.....move on. Like I said Pittsburgh won 6-3 last night in a legal scrimmage against the Thrashers. The return Of MAF was unbelievable. The goals that were scored on him where totally legit- he was screened on two of them. Thank goodness that the king of the crease is back! Sid and Geno are getting sicker by he day. About ten minutes ago EST Max Talbot singed a two year extension to stay with club along with Ryan Whitney being reassigns to WBS for conditioning. So if you live under a rock and did not know the AFC regular season crown will be decided in the Music City this weekend as the Tennessee Titans host the Pittsburgh Steelers. Home Field is on the line and the #1 ranking with a bye week. Plus I would love to beat the OLD Houston Oliers franchise that was so nasty back in the day with Warren Moon. Here is the game break down: -Kerry Collins is back from the dead for the 4th time in his career. His crack ediction is ceased and he is playing great ball. -Where is Vince Young? probably shirtless in a club........ -A. Hanesworth is out of this game, that is the Titans polamalu....... We need a big offensive game to set the pace for the playoff run.
I hope everyone has a great weekend , I am sure I will post more stuff going into Sunday!
Somewhere in IRAQ: herlooooooooooooooooooooooooooo?
Romeo Crummel: Hello may I please speak to the gentle man who threw those shoes at president Bush?
IRAQUI Reporter: this is he......what do you want infidel?
Romeo Crumel: I wanted to know if you wanted a QB job with the Cleavland Browns, see we are looking for absolutely anybody and the way that you put those shoes near President Bush's head- well we couldn't pass up someone with your accuracy.....
IRAQUI Reporter: let me think about it, Freedom,Women and Money from you infidel to play your American cricket?
Romeo Crummel: you mean playing Browns Football for the city of Cleavland?
IRAQUI Reporter: nah I am going to have to pass, I heard that playing for The Cleavland Browns is like being a suicide bomber but your bomb never goes off. We have seen the Women of Cleavland and they are nothing to die over. Plus don't you loose to the Pittsburgh Steelers every time you play them.
Here we go Yinzers, So the Pro Bowl announced whom they picked over the last week and the Steelers will be well represented on Defense(as usual). Troy Polamalu , J. Harrison and J. Farrior are on their way to Hawaii.Now I am not going to bitch about how we don't have one single member of the O their, but ok lets be honest the O-line was a bit off this year, Hines and Santonio don't have fantastic numbers- the Running game is kind of slack. I am just being honest but as I write this and think about how we are about to play for the Number one seed in the Playoffs, Give me a Flippin break. I was shocked to see how many Jets made the Pro bowl, I am sorry what have they done lately, other than win their division. Weird I know. But we are on the Downhill stretch of getting ready for Steelers on Sunday. I will be having another huge tailgate before the 1 o clock kick off. I am siked because Thursday starts my Steelers weekend.
Huge Penguins Update from tonight as they take on the Thrashers. NIX
All I want for Christmas is this--I would trade my two front teeth. Eff the Nintendo, PS2 or what have you, just give me 10 minutes with these girls--I probably wouldn't last ten. We have a lot to be thankful this year, a winning Steelers team, the Outback Bowl and of course the Florida Gators. As 2008 is finishing up I look back and reflect on what a great year it was. I've been fortunate to have a great family, friends and times.
So fake indoor football has been cancled this year. No not at your local YMCA, but the Arena Leauge is going to take a year off. I understand why, because of all this economic hardship in the country right now. This is very confusing to me, ESPN picked up Friday and Saturday night coverage of games last year along with better sponsorship and Leauge wide attendance rising- is this the right move? ESPN said it would drop total coverage if the Leauge wide teams dipped down to 8 or 6. So they are taking the year off. Bon Jovi can tour and the Las Vegas hoonanigans can just relax. Will the leauge resume in 2010- probably not.
In the end lets be glad that we have a real leauge to back up every thursday, Sunday and Monday- the NFL. I am not saying it is squeaky clean by any means but it more clean than this guy...............
So I was way out of control yesterday as the Pittsburgh Steelers Took care of business and Beat the Baltimore ravens for the NFC north Championship along with a first round bye in the playoffs. We had the Spicy meatballs flowing- a long with one of the best defensive efforts I have ever seen.
Steelers Sunday was wild as we turned Wally's upside down. I think I may be given a fine for my outrageous actions watching the game. Lets get to that game:
1. Where the hell was Troy Polamalu?
2. I started a Defense cheer when we were on Offense.
3. Ravens Defense was bad ass but we were better
4. Big BEN is Back
Big ben led the Steelers on a 92 yard TD drive to end the game with :43 seconds left in the game.People that are not satisfied with Ben all the time, please let me know whom you would like to quarterback your team. I know I am sticking with the Ben.
So this week for the third week in a row the steelers are playing for supremacy. When we take on the Titans it will be for home field throughout the playoffs.