Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Christmas Eve

Hey Yinzers,

So tonight is the most exciting night of the year for most 10 and under. To be quite honest with you I still believe in Santa Clause. Sometimes you have to realize that Santa may not be a person but an action. The act of doing something nice during the holiday season may be a Santa- if you will. The act of giving , your time , money or an action for someone may be an act of Santa. I believe that we have more Santa's than we can count on a daily basis in our lives.

I am so thankful for this. When I have kids one day I am still going ( and hope ) to do such a good job like my parents did ,to let me be a kid and believe in Santa Clause. I still get excited to think of the day I can play Santa and see my kids faces Light up on Christmas day, like mine always did. I even asked my Grandparents if Santa was real and they said what did I believe- I said I did and they never corrected me or told me I was wrong.

The other part besides the presents and Santa , was going to Christmas eve Midnight Mass in PA. You can say what ever about religon but The Catholics on Christmas eve do it right. The myserium is at the highest point of the year and for a 10-15 or 31 year old kid it is almost enough to send you through the roof. If you are lucky it may snow where you are and you can have a white christmas. That would be my highlight- and I have had a white christmas on more that one occasion.

Christmas is also about going home to your families, Friends and relatives. As I get older I see this is the most important. The Holidays would be totally empty with out all of these things. I also get to see my dog- Lucy. Exciting I know and my Cat tigger.

But Finally I am just glad I am here to see another Christmas with my parents, to see the good in people ,and to see just how lucky I am . I am so lucky . That is what Christmas is to me.

The MSM will be off until Sunday, because my parents have Dial up- Sorry but I will be back in town this weekend in time for Steelers Sunday.

From JIM, MIKE, HECKLER, Arod and NIX( me) we thank you for such a successful year in this blogging non-sense and we look forward to the big 2009.

Be thankful and Be blessed! Merry Christmas....

( I hope everyone gets steeler stuff)


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