Friday, December 12, 2008

A lot on the line.................

We're that close............................(#6)

Hey Yinzers,

So I know it is pretty early in the weekend to Blog about the Steelers- but what the Hell!!!!

Everyone from Wally's is totally pumped for this Sunday at 4:15 when the Steelers roll into Crabby Patty Central to face the Old Cleavland-Baltimore Ratbirds. Ok however you look at it, they will just be the old Browns, moved from Cleavland and sold out on it's fans. I hate Baltimore, literally there isn't a damn thing to do there. Ok crab cakes- that is it.

The Steelers are slowly and surely gaining speed toward a playoff run, and a Win this Sunday will ensure the 2nd seed in the AFC which results in a Bye and the conference championship. So there is alot on the line. So I was thinking how could I get the MSM pumped up for that all important game?

Thanks Myron ( This always gets my Blood going)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Everyone have a great weekend! -HERE WE GO -


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