Tuesday, December 16, 2008

What do you mean No Football?

Hey Yinzers,

So fake indoor football has been cancled this year. No not at your local YMCA, but the Arena Leauge is going to take a year off. I understand why, because of all this economic hardship in the country right now. This is very confusing to me, ESPN picked up Friday and Saturday night coverage of games last year along with better sponsorship and Leauge wide attendance rising- is this the right move? ESPN said it would drop total coverage if the Leauge wide teams dipped down to 8 or 6. So they are taking the year off. Bon Jovi can tour and the Las Vegas hoonanigans can just relax. Will the leauge resume in 2010- probably not.

In the end lets be glad that we have a real leauge to back up every thursday, Sunday and Monday- the NFL. I am not saying it is squeaky clean by any means but it more clean than this guy...............


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