Saturday, December 6, 2008

Steeler Sunday!

Hey Yinzers,

I could not let this weekend go without blogging about my most favorite thing in the whole world-The Pittsburgh Steelers. Now don't get me wrong I LOVE Pennsylvania sports but I have an love affair with the Pittsburgh Steelers. That is one reason I started this blog . So this weekend is pretty huge, The Pitt panthers are playing the UCONN huskies at noon and Dave Wanstache' has to have this win to complete a pretty good - but not good enough season.

The real reason I am blogging today( with the windows shut) is because that the Dallas -Pittsburgh game this weekend is so big that I can barely put it into words. Growing up with my Mom and Grandad the rules of being a Steeler fan were simple:

  1. You will go to your grave hating those ass holes in Cleavland

  2. You will always hate the Raiders and Oilers

  3. The most important you will always hate the America's Fake team, Dallas Crybabies.
  4. Run the ball only pass in desperate times
  5. Defense wins championships- pittsburgh always has the best D.

That was it pretty simple, and when you live in Pennsylvania there is no other team outside except the Pirates, penguins and Steelers. I really have been very fortunate to travel allot to other cities and I really honestly can not see how you people do it. I mean for instance when they give out that dumb America's greatest sports town awards every year and Pittsburgh is no where near the top- give me a break . Right now somewhere near Heinz field people are tailgating for tomor0w's 4:15 game. Pittsburgh is sick in that way. I love it , there is no other way to be for me. I wore all my steelers stuff all week, and today will be no different. My best friend the Heckler just texted me this morning:

F*** the Cowboys, F***tony HOMER etc etc.

Steelers fans are scary, and we travel in packs- enough said. I know i have had these love fest blogs before but sometimes you have to put it out there.

On Sunday when the #1 defense in the League takes the Field I will be three sheets to Sunday and ready to go . Oh by the way there is a Dallas fan whom lives near me, I said to him where are you watching the game on Sunday , He replied" at home there is no where to watch it" . Well I thought to myself another win for the steelers , because i have the luxury of choosing from 3 steeler bars in Columbia South Carolina.

-We know whom America's team is , we don't even have to say it.

Go Steelers!


1 comment:

B Brog said...

you can take the people out of pittsburgh, but you cant take the pittsburgh out of the people. in the 50s, 60s and 70s, the population of the city of pittsburgh was over 600,000. when the government decided that they liked slant-eyed steel better than blue collar, american steel, the people of pittsburgh left to find new work. they went all over the united states and with them, they took their pittsburgh pride. they opened bars that reminded them of home and pray that the steelers are in the schedule of their new city's team. now, the burgh is pushing 350,000 people. those other 250,000 are spread around the country. scott paulsen said it best in the song: "this is a steeler nation, the best fans in the land. they cheer from dahn in blawnox, aht to the bahgdad sand. we're white and black and brown and red; we are young and we are old. one thing we have in common is, we love that black and gold"