Friday, August 29, 2008

It Sure was a Cock Fest

I am going to come right out and say it... The game that I watched on ESPN last night was nothing short of watching an episode of Murder She Wrote. Just once I wish the institute from which I graduate would go all in and play a game. It put me in such a deep sleep that I slept through my alarm and was late for my job that keeps at all times desperately out grips of being in the black.

I am tired of the nepotism. Skip now JR. no I am not talking W. here. I am talking Spurrier Junior calling the plays for the GameCocks hows about hiring someone who is actually qualified to do the job. Good call on the starting Quarter back too, brilliant, and the other son is holding future NFL kicker Ryan Succop's balls. How about we put him where he really belongs; wearing a bike helmet handing out freshly pressed Jock Straps in the Carolina equipment room to the rest of the illiterate fools they call student athletes. 

Get rid of Garcia, he is a waste of genetic material. Don't worry we'll have his orange jump suit embroidered with his name on it. This kid is the result of a late night grope fest in the back of late model chevy pick up and broken prophylactic in the parking lot of the Tastey Freeze. Get a hair cut this isn't Vermont nor is it 1970's. Has anyone seen my keys?

In baseball news You suck A-rod. Way to Earn that Pay check. How's Skelator treating you? Oh wait that's Madonna.  The Sox put Beckett on the 15 day DL? Once again chasing the wild card... Oh well at leas Tammy Ramirez is gone.

There has been some chatter about the bruins... yet again. But from what I hear Bobby Ore has not stopped working on the machine to roll him in his grave. Get up Bergeron!

Onto the NBA they will be getting an Iranian this season. That'll be interesting. I think we just need another hostage crisis. Who negotiated this deal Jimmy Carter? While he's over here lets try and convert the 7'2'' terrorist to christianity and see what happens at home for him. I don't know call me crazy, I think it'd be fun.

I am bored bring on the NFL.

Mike Phelps Drink Coke.

I didn't proof read this and i don't care.


Too Hung Over To Blog Friday!!!!!!

The Heckler has stepped in to cover for Nix who is recovering from a drunken stooper.

If anyone is interested a AA meeting will be held at St. Paul's Apiscopal Church on Tuesday Sept. 2 at 7:30 in the church basement.(This means you Nix)

The Cocks pulled out....a close one last night! Bring on Georgia!

Get well soon Nix. Hopefully you will make it past a 1st quarter in Happy Valley.

-The Heckler

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Kickoff Thursday!!!

Football is finally here!!!!! And everyone is happy!!!!

Handicapping the networks-

Last place goes to ESPN with "Berman and brothers." What a lineup: Keyshawn(just throw me the damn microphone) Johnson, Cris(I look like a sad dog) Carter, Tom(Uncle Tom) Jackson, and Emmitt(I'z speeeks dee EEboniks) Smif(I mean Smith). ESPN should dump Smif, Carter and Johnson and replace them with Erin Andrews.

2nd to last goes to Fox because I do not want to stare at the giant gap in Strahan's teeth. Why would Fox throw that windbag into the great team of Terry, Howie and Jimmy?

Third to last NBC because I can't stand Costas and Collinsworth.

1st place will have to go with CBS and the great Bill Cowher.(by default)

Tonight S.C. goes against the Wolfpack as 13 point favorites. I say they're lucky to score 13, but pull out the victory 17-10. (Spurrier with a cock on his shoulder. Isn't the first time and won't be the last.)
Upset Watch- Alabama over Clemson, and Utah over Michigan. (this year Alabama won't suck they will.........)

Biggest Winner- Oklahoma 70 Chattanooga 7

Biggest Loser- Louisville 23 Kentucky 20(Because a loss to UL is just that bad)

Could be upset, but won't- LSU 48 Appalachian St. 14

The Olympics are over and again no one cares about Bolt or Phelps. Hope they enjoyed their 15 minutes of fame.

Nix was in his physics 101 class this past week and the professor called on him and posed the question, "Why does a feather and a brink fall at the same speed in a vacuum?" That leads us to the Nix quote of the week. Nixs answer- "Because it sucks?"
-The Heckler

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Blog me gently!

Hey Yinzers,

Well thank god for football the wait is over and now this is football eve in the carolina's. Clempson plays on Saturday vs Alabama- but the real story is The GAMECOCKS.

This is the 4th installment of the Steve spurrier show and to tell you the truth, things are coming along. We were ranked 6th in the Nation at one point last year, and then in true Gamecock fashion we lost the remainding 6 games. That was a real bummer. But this year the Garnet and Black fanatics are already having pep rallys and beer specials with thoughts of an SEC championship in their heads. The only problem with that is the schedual: Bottom line is , we beat Georgia in 3 weeks we have a chance- little but it is a chance.



So this is the conference that I grew up in. When I was 10 years old I went to my first ever college football game, it was scary- that the west Virgina mountaineers played the South Carolina gamecocks in Morgantown W V. I was a huge Mountaineer fan until my god father at the time started taking me to PITT games. Well no matter I was a Big east Kid. growing up they always flirted with the chance that Notre Dame would join the conference, and after all theses years they are finally in with Basketball. It may take another 10-15 years but Football is coming.

Here is my Prediction on the BIG EAST:

( not saying it is right, but this is my picks)

South Florida/ Pittsburgh: the reason I split this is. USF is still intact from last year with a huge win over Auburn , and many other upsets I could totally see them running the gauntlet while others are having a down year.

West Virgina: they have allot to prove because of the sell out of Rich Rodrigues. Mr. I am never leaving left for the Big House and I wish him nothing but the worst. They are the ranked #1 O line in the NCAA. If that doesn't tell you something then let me know.

Rutgers: I am not sold on Rutgers But I do like their coach and I like their way to keep on chopping

Louisville: I am a cardinal through and through, but this year with no B. Braum and No coach and a Kragthorpe I am not too convinced on a huge winning season. Look for them to scorch KY this upcoming weekend.

Uconn/Syracuse/Cincinnati: Wait till next year......really!

Big Ten:

First off I hate Ohio State, always have always will. Tried dating a girl one time who went to OSU had to end it before the season started. This is the conference that used to be good. Kinda like Uncle Rico. Wisconsin is on the rise. But Joe PA is old. Really old- this is why they are going to win the conference.

  1. Penn State: first off so what I picked em' their coach is as old as Noah. The flood is coming and especially vs Michigan in the illustrious White Out game. Bring your Bible it's going to be that kind of season.

  2. Ohio State: yeah yeah I know were named after a nut, Jim Tressel is a snappy dresser and a good coach.

  3. Wisconsin: Great chance this year to run the table if Penn State does not beat OSU Wisconsin will.

  4. Iowa: they are defiantly middle of the pack , but great uniforms( like the Steelers)

5. Michigan State: the school that everyone loves to hate. there is a legend that if a girl leaves the MSU campus a virgin that the Helmet will fall off the Spartan-0k spartan Girls are easy.

6. northwestern/purdont/Indiana/Minnesota: are these schools in Division one?

Ok so the predictions are kind of loose and kind of entertaining.That is about it.

I hope every one has a great Hump day! 1 day till Gamecock football



Hey Yinzers,

So today is one day closer to Football. The gamecock nation is almost at fever pitch here in Columbia and I went ahead and picked the gamecocks on air this morning to go 10-2. Yes I kn ow it is a bold and silly prediction but the way that Steve Spurrier has been acting, maybe the gamecocks could be surprisingly good?

I am also looking forward to tailgating , the Drigger Family is one of the best tailgate groups I have ever been apart of. Doug has already informed me that we will all be wearing Black football jerseys this year. fantastic.

So school is back in session and I officially feel old, I have a foreign teacher for English - do I need to say more.

Sorry today's blog is so small , but I will have an XXl blog for tomorrow.

Keep Voting for the MSM death Tournament winner

We will have a Big Ten, Big East preview tomorrow!

Have a great Tuesday!


Sunday, August 24, 2008

3 days till Football!

Hey Yinzers,

So here we are on the verge of Football season, 3 preseason games in the books and now we are in the verge of College Football. There is no other time of the year to be a sports fan. Baseball playoffs are coming, Both footballs and in October- basketball and Hockey are back. The fall is a plethora of sports information and fun. ( NO crap)

The University of South Carolina opens the ESPN season this Thursday night as they host NC state. This used to be a huge rivalry back in the late 80's. I have been to Carter Finley Stadium and it cannot hold a candle to Williams Brice here in Columbia. For those of you that didn't know- Williams Brice was used as the backdrop in the movie The Program with James Cann. It was a late /early 90's football movie based on the doings at Florida State.

In Preseason news the Steelers looked like they are coming together as they finished the third instalment of the preseason Saturday night. They held Adrian Peterson to minimal yards and the O lines at times gave Ben enough time to have some options. It was the Rashard Mendenhall show from that point on. Jeff reed " captain Clutch" gave us 4 Field goals to seal the deal vs last years Number one defense in the league.

The best part of the game is when Troy P. and Hines W. came up behind Ben during an on field interview and gave him the ole bunny ears. pretty funny. Uh what is the deal with Linus Sweed- catch a damn ball or something?

Bad news in San Diego this weekend Chargers Pro Bowl linebacker Shawne Merriman said Saturday he has two torn ligaments in his left knee and has been told by doctors that he could suffer a possible career-ending injury if he attempts to play without having surgery. Oh this is bad for one of the best LB's in the league.

In the MSM death tournament the Votes are slowly but surely coming in at the top of the page. Make sure you vote once a day for the remaining days left and then football season will be here.

Here are today's final combatants: Batman vs Peter Griffen

Batman as you know spent his summer whipping Brandon Frazier up and down the box office, along with the Harry potters of the world. Batman also has been flying through the MSM death tournament here is whom he has beaten on the way to the final four:
  • Rick flair
  • The Hulk

  • Steeley Mcbeam

    Exploding Shark

Awesome wins but will he have enough in his bat suit to beat:

Peter Griffen , the lone quohogian whom is whipping well laughing his way into the finals is probably in a drunken stooper right now thinking about his plan of attack down at the Drunken Clam. Here is how Peter got to the finals:

  • American Dad
  • Racing Sausages
  • Rambo
The Rambo upset was the biggest of the tournament, along with Bigfoot, Batman and the Huxtables the Crown is there's for the taking. Good luck in this fake tournament.

Vote early and often and as many times as you want.

Have a great start to your week!


Thursday, August 21, 2008

Goodbye Olympics!

Hey Yinzers,

Goodbye China, Goodbye friends and Goodbye Olympics! After the news being saturated with Micheal Phelps and Olympic fever it is finally over.

The NFL is gearing up for a large weekend of pre-season football: the Steelers are playing the Minnesota Vikings at 8pm on CBS. I am looking forward to see whom is going to make the team. I believe that our offense is pretty much set , but our Defense that we hinge our lives on is still not looking impressive. But the Heckler called me and gave me reassurance that Dick Lebou Never shows what kind of plan he has for the 2008 season.............

So I have gone back to college for the three hundredth year in a row, and the University of South Carolina Athletics has implemented a new ticketing system and it is a bust. Tickets went on computer last night for students at midnight, but of course the request for tickets - the actual website was to clogged with every freshman in the county trying to get tickets. Then after you request you have to go back and claim your tickets with in three days, if you do not complete this process a total of 5 times in your College career you are kicked off the system- dumb.
What happened to sleeping outside in the rain and the cold, drinking having fun missing class etc- for games. So now kids are even more sissy than ever lets stay at home and log on to the computer at midnight. - double dumb.

Look at real waiting for tickets that is an event !


So IN MSM death Match News The Second combatant in the final Four is the Huxtables

This is why the Huxtables why win the death tournament:

  • Rudy is a cyborg

  • Theo is a slacker - and has no career

  • Cliff is wearing a Kevlar sweater

  • the rest of the cast is great with weapons

  • Jello pudding nough said

Tell us why the Huxtables will continue to dominate here is how they got to finals:

  • The Sievers

  • Uncle Sam

  • Santa clause

So with that Being said Vote for either Bigfoot or The Huxtables all weekend long with your scenarios and the best one wins.

Have a great weekend, Have fun but be safe out there!


Wednesday, August 20, 2008


One week from today the college football season kicks off.....I'll be happier than nix at a weenie roast!

One week until I don't have to watch Seinfeld and Family Guy reruns to get me through the night. One week until all the talking heads will shut up about Michael(McLovin) Phelps and he being the greatest athlete of all time(not even close; I say he's about as athletic as Tiger Woods; put them in a real sport and see what happens!)

One week until no more having to sit and watch Big Brother 10 with my wife while I contemplate slitting my wrists. One more week until nix fills us with botched football statistics. One more week until South Carolina's dreams are dashed. And one more week with baseball getting air time on Sportscenter.

The Nixheckler Top Ten Preseason College Football Rankings(plus a few notes) and predictions.

1- USC(not university of South Carolina)

2- Ohio St.

3- West Virginia

4- Georgia

5- Mizzou

6- Kansas

7- South Florida



10- Oklahoma

25- Louisville

67- South Carolina

119- Kentucky

Notre Dame will go 7-5 and lose to Clemson in the Holiday Bowl. Georgia will lose 3 games. Ohio State will defeat West Virginia for the National Championship. Tebow will win Heisman again.

The Nixhecklers preseason NFL power rankings and predictions

1- Steelers(of course)

2- Giants(champs)

3- Pats(cheaters)

4- Cowgirls


6- Colts

7- Vikings

8- Redskins

9- Eagles

10- Jags

32- Falcons


rd 1- Browns over Broncos, Jags over Colts, Redskins over Saints, Giants over Vikings

rd 2- Steelers over Jags, Browns over Pats, Cowboys over Redskins, Giants over Seahawks

rd 3- Steelers over Browns, Cowboys over Giants

Super Bowl- Steelers 27 Cowboys 24

-The Heckler

Sunday, August 17, 2008

YO YO Middle of the week ..................


Hey Yinzers,

I have to start off with this, It stands alone and doesn't need any explaining. I hope you enjoy this as much as I did! Bert and Ernie Louisville style.

In recent Steelers Camp News Troy Polamalu is back. Finally the Flying Hawaiian is back- after signing a huge contract last year. Troy has been not really affective in fact he has been kind of quiet. He is by far one of my favorite Steelers of all time. But I think that the best is yet to come with Troy. All the Na Sayers will eat their hat when he lays one of his dominating hits this season. GO get em' 43!


In MSM death tournament news HARRY wants to let you know why he should win over the rest of the finalists, Here are some main points:

He is over 6'9
He totally Elusive
He is strong enough to rip your head off but we heard he is more of a hugger.
He loves Peanut butter and Beef Jerky
He is a graduate of the school of Hard Knocks
Did a video with Tenacious D

You can Vote for Bigfoot with your comments and your scenarios, He has made it this far defeating =
Bigfoot Truck
Smurfs and She-Ra
Billie Mays

With that rough road He is deserving to be here. Good luck to the big guy!

In Monday night Football the other night, the Cleveland Browns whom are supposed to challenge the Steelers for Division Leadership and eventually a championship. Cleveland Browns quarterback Derek Anderson left Monday night's 37-34 exhibition loss to the New York Giants early in the second quarter with what the team said was a possible concussion. Brady( Lady) Quinn will now take the reigns of the NFL franchise. Oh well I'm a Steelers Guy.

Madden Curse

So every year millions upon millions of 30 year old men wait until the unavailing of the Madden Curse or better known as the Cover. With this years "Brett Farve" who will be the real loser- Brett or The Packers. HE is in Packers Gear on the cover. Here is whom has been affected by the curse:
  • In 2000 Barry sanders was on the Cusp of reaching 2000 yards, and because of appearing on the cover- he did not make it
  • In 2001 Eddie George was not affected by the Curse in fact he made his third straight pro bowl( well Nix where are you going with this)
  • In 2002 Dante Culpepper was hit with the curse and had back problems in week 11
  • IN 2003 Marshal Faulk Fell to an ankle injury and that pretty much put him down for the rest of his career.
  • IN 2004 Micheal Vick bought his first dog he was going to fight and a few days after the cover came out, he broke his leg in a pre season game. This is where things have gotten creepy.....

  • in 2005 Ray Lewis dawned the cover and for the first time in his career he failed to have one interception. Also rival and greatest team ever completed their quest for one for the Thumb.
  • In 2006 week 11 again put Donavan Mcnab down with a groin injury, he went to say that it was an honor to be on the cover and that the curse would not affect him. Oh by the way season done in week 11

  • In 2007 Shawn Alexander broke his foot and failed to rush for a 1000 yard season for the first time in his career. He also was a na- sayer about the curse- stating that just like Mcnabb I am a total Idiot.

  • In 2008 Vince young was hit with a Quad injury in the final game of the season, but came to find out that he lost his keys every Sunday after the games. He also is cursed with playing for the Titans.
  • In 2009 Brett drama Farve is dawning the Cover what will happen next......................

I hope everyone has a great middle of the week and See you again on Friday!


Ocho Goldo Monday!

Guy Junker

Hey Yinz,

So I hope every one over the weekend used multiple amounts of sunscreen and had a great last gasp of summer. School for most of us goes back into session this week which means that getting "Crumliched with the Crumlichs " will soon be a thing of the past. Hooray School.

What GOLD looks like

If you live under a rock- a large rock you might not know that Micheal Phelps Olympic Swimmer did the unthinkable- he got people to watch the Olympics. Also he went .1000 in 8 events. Unbeatable. Unforgettable, damn dangerous in a pool. Here is what I love I listen to a considerable amount of talk radio, sports talk radio and the big huge ginormous question of the weekend is .......Is he the greatest. In short YES, it is simple he went perfect in the Olympics, against the world. He is one of the greatest athletes of all time. If Baltimore did not have Micheal Phelps they would not have sports, this season of Oriels ,Ravens and whom ever else they have down there would be disappointing. But they have the unbeatable Mike Phelps. I wish some of these rebel rousers in radio would calm down accept that he is the best athlete ever in the Pool and accept it. not hard he is from the US move on. Oh congrats Mike.- oh he is humble too.

In the Jets game from the other night Benedict Arnold/scrooge Mc Duck ( Brett Farve) had a very impressive drive for a touchdown in the early goings of his televised scrimmage game. Still kind of upset at an individual that would turn down close to 20 million to market to go back out and risk injury. Dumb

In early early Penguins news Ryan Whitney is out, big surprise for the PENS loyalists but he will be out for a considerable amount of time recouping from his big ankle surgery.Whit will miss 3-5 months of playing time and the beginning of the season. All i hope is that when he comes back he can rival any other of our Defense men. Heal up kid.

As you can see from the top of the page, I met local celebrity and KBL sports show ICON in the Pittsburgh area GUY JUNKER. Co host of KBL sports beat with Stan Savran. Guy was always a fan favorite and after he left the air for a while I truly missed him. He is just damn cool. Thanks To MRS. B (coolest woman on the planet) for yelling at him.

In MSM FINAL four death tournament news. The Final Four is set and over the next two weeks along with a poll you can vote the 2008 MSM death tournament winner. We have had great response and will continue to do things like this. Here is your Final four:




After about 7 weeks of the tournament these combatants are back with a fury . Voting will begin on Wednesday. Tell us why in the comments whom will win and why.

Well have a great Monday- go out and get Junker-ed ! Love ya Brognano's!


Friday, August 15, 2008

Vacation Friday!

Hey Yinzers,

So I decided to take a few days for myself and am actually writing this from a bungalow from a water front resort wondering why the Steelers looked really flat last night. I had a great time with the Brognano clan from Pittsburgh as we watched the steelers game at Oscars bar and eatery. We even met a local Pittsburgh Celebrity- find out Monday to see whom it was!

I have decided as usual that the Pittsburgh Steeler fan base is out of control. There were over 400 steeler fans in full get-up at Oscars , we had to arrive at 5 o'clock just to get a seat.The Steeler Nation even on Vacation has their priorities straight as an arrow.

As for the First team , Great pass and catch( touchdown ) from Ben To Sanintono Holmes last night. We struck early and then the Scrubs came in . Final score was 24-21 Bills. I do not think that welcoming the Bills to Toronto is a good thing. With the way that the NBA is looking to expand worldwide , I want to keep Football home. I want it here in the states- I think it is great that worldwide that there are Steeler blogs and sites but I want it to stay right where it is- in the USA.

I met allot of great people last night and when we can get the Pictures uploaded on Monday I will recap the whole experience.

I got really sun burnt yesterday , the worst i have ever been. Umm Alex can I have things that are bright Red for a 1000.

As for my football calendar for this year is starting to fill up, Like I said before I will be in Penn State for the season opener vs. Coastal Carolina. Hanging with the Brognano brothers I learned of the rich tradition and the insanity before every game. Remember the Fans, not the players make the sport experience. THE PENN STATE EXPERIENCE

Two days before my venture to Penn State I will be at the Home opener for the Carolina gamecocks, as NIxheckler wrote we lost the in court battle to Southern Cal for the Rights to be called SC- dumb. Who Cares. Even off the field we loose again.

In Huge Olympics news , Micheal Phelps is defiantly one of the best athletes of the century, i have heard on allot of news programs that he is not. How come? Is it because that swimming is not a Main stream sport. think about it. he has more medals than any Olympian in history , his medal count even outweighs Mexico and India lifetime.

We will continue with the results and the final couple match ups of the MSM death tournament and start getting into full swing for the College and Pro football season.

Have a great and safe weekend! Wear Sunscreen........

Burnt NIX