Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Brett Favre Should Stick To Wrangler Jean Commercials

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Wrangler Jeans Commercials should be the only place this guy is allowed to play football anymore, that's all I am going to say about him.

No one cares about legacy. There used to be a time when it mattered, when you could bow out of your respective profession with your dignity, sanity, and ex-wife's head intact. (and yes that was a tasteless OJ Simpson murder reference right there, so what? You want to fight about it). The days of the Lous and Cals are gone, even though I don't rather care for Cal Ripken. The only reason he beat Lou's record is because Lou got sick...Oooh La La Cal you beat the record of guy who had to stop going to work because he came down with a disease that they ended up naming after him. What are they going to name after you a steak house, "Mmm, Yes waiter I would like to have the house salad with my steamed veggies and the Cal Cut Porter house. Oh and yes can I get that with the fix'ns."

I want the good old days back when a professional ball player could have sex with countless women, staying out all night with people that your mother warned you about. I want to see my ball players making stupid bets while they throw stuff out hotel windows at the unsuspecting public on the sidewalk down below. I want the days back when play play announcers would talk about the actual game they are supposed to talk about and not the new pictures of Brangelina's twins. I want the days back where athletes were looked up to regardless of how big an idiot they were off the field, court, ice, ring, mat, or where have else they maybe.

But instead we have thrust upon us Brett Farve who's name constantly pops up in spell check. Even a man who accomplished, what some have called to date one the top ten athletic achievements of all time, whining about not being able to watch young boys in skin tight swimsuits breaking the records he once held. Get over yourself Mr. Spitz. Just because you couldn't get a free ticket to the most censored olympics since the Rhine was invaded doesn't mean the rest of the world wants to hear it.

There are wars and genocide going on around the world, they are even trying to start one in the country in which the games are being held, and you are complaining about a free vacation? Let me check the board. Let me see "You're an ass!". Ding Ding Ding Ding....There it is "You an ass for the win!" SHUT UP. Stop soiling your name and quit letting yourself think you in your present state are still relevant.

Have a great day-JIM

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