Wednesday, August 6, 2008

New Guy Thursday!

Hey Yinzers,
So as you read yesterday afternoon Our good Friend the Nixheckler will be sharing his insight on the worlds of professional and college football. Along with giving me tons of Crap. Please right in to tell the Heckler what you agree and disagree with in the weeks to come. We here at MSM welcome the Nixheckler with a Laurel and Hardy Handshake!

So we are on the Eve of the Olympics, this is a pretty nerve racking time for the Olympic athletes , I don't think that even in the numerous doping scandals and other participating issues I would be most worried about my safety. In this world of non-stop news coverage and what happened in Atlanta a few years ago, the summer Olympics becomes a big Target for the Crazies of the world to make a name for themselves. I hope and Pray we can get through this Olympics with the only drama coming on the playing Field. I also hope that the numerous News outlets out there drop the whole conspiracy theory that comes up every day!

Please get rid of the mascots for each olympics, I do not know what they are and what they stand for. This confuses and scares me. Thank you.( I think the one on the left is the symbol for Bathroom )

In MSM death tournament news Bigfoot is moving on in a battle of very hairy dudes. But boy what a run Billie Mays had. To honor Biggy go to the BIGFOOT GAMES and try your luck messin with Sasquatch!

In Brett Farve News, it looks like he either will be heading to the Jets with Mangeno or to the BUCS with umm, that's right there is no one on the BUCS- oh John Gruden. ( MY BAD)
Well I hope that everyone enjoys their Thursday and can't wait to see the match up for MSM death match supremacy tomorrow!

*****In breaking news this morning Brett Farve was traded to the New York Jets last night approximately at 1am. One of the closing points on the deal is that there is a 1000 acre hunting preserve that Brett would have rights to hunt and fish on in his free time. His new home is less than five minutes away. I am glad this fiasco is over- now the real question is can the JETS not go 4-12 this season.********



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