Sunday, August 24, 2008

3 days till Football!

Hey Yinzers,

So here we are on the verge of Football season, 3 preseason games in the books and now we are in the verge of College Football. There is no other time of the year to be a sports fan. Baseball playoffs are coming, Both footballs and in October- basketball and Hockey are back. The fall is a plethora of sports information and fun. ( NO crap)

The University of South Carolina opens the ESPN season this Thursday night as they host NC state. This used to be a huge rivalry back in the late 80's. I have been to Carter Finley Stadium and it cannot hold a candle to Williams Brice here in Columbia. For those of you that didn't know- Williams Brice was used as the backdrop in the movie The Program with James Cann. It was a late /early 90's football movie based on the doings at Florida State.

In Preseason news the Steelers looked like they are coming together as they finished the third instalment of the preseason Saturday night. They held Adrian Peterson to minimal yards and the O lines at times gave Ben enough time to have some options. It was the Rashard Mendenhall show from that point on. Jeff reed " captain Clutch" gave us 4 Field goals to seal the deal vs last years Number one defense in the league.

The best part of the game is when Troy P. and Hines W. came up behind Ben during an on field interview and gave him the ole bunny ears. pretty funny. Uh what is the deal with Linus Sweed- catch a damn ball or something?

Bad news in San Diego this weekend Chargers Pro Bowl linebacker Shawne Merriman said Saturday he has two torn ligaments in his left knee and has been told by doctors that he could suffer a possible career-ending injury if he attempts to play without having surgery. Oh this is bad for one of the best LB's in the league.

In the MSM death tournament the Votes are slowly but surely coming in at the top of the page. Make sure you vote once a day for the remaining days left and then football season will be here.

Here are today's final combatants: Batman vs Peter Griffen

Batman as you know spent his summer whipping Brandon Frazier up and down the box office, along with the Harry potters of the world. Batman also has been flying through the MSM death tournament here is whom he has beaten on the way to the final four:
  • Rick flair
  • The Hulk

  • Steeley Mcbeam

    Exploding Shark

Awesome wins but will he have enough in his bat suit to beat:

Peter Griffen , the lone quohogian whom is whipping well laughing his way into the finals is probably in a drunken stooper right now thinking about his plan of attack down at the Drunken Clam. Here is how Peter got to the finals:

  • American Dad
  • Racing Sausages
  • Rambo
The Rambo upset was the biggest of the tournament, along with Bigfoot, Batman and the Huxtables the Crown is there's for the taking. Good luck in this fake tournament.

Vote early and often and as many times as you want.

Have a great start to your week!



Nixheckler said...

Bigfoot beats the Huxtables by trickery! For the past 2 weeks it has been in the news that bigfoot was on dead and on ice in Georgia after being hit by a car. Because of this news the Huxtables were all celebrating a forfeit victory. Bigfoot promtly snuck up on each Huxtable one at a time; therefore eliminating their numbers advantage. First he shoved a saxafone down Heathcliffs throat, he bit Theo's head off and he systematically raped each femal to death.

Nixheckler said...

In the next semi-finals match up Peter Griffin defeats Batman. Batman first goes for the Griffin spray but it is not affective because Peter morphs into a T-Rex (due to the fact that he was exposed to toxic waste he was morphing capabilities). Batman then kills Griffin Rex with a turbo rocket from his Bat-car. Batman then turns to the crowd to celebrate his victory, but Death comes and Revives Peter(this has happened a few times before). Peter then shanks Batman in each kidney and proceedes to Drink a 12 pack and watch Batman slowly die a painful death.