Thursday, August 21, 2008

Goodbye Olympics!

Hey Yinzers,

Goodbye China, Goodbye friends and Goodbye Olympics! After the news being saturated with Micheal Phelps and Olympic fever it is finally over.

The NFL is gearing up for a large weekend of pre-season football: the Steelers are playing the Minnesota Vikings at 8pm on CBS. I am looking forward to see whom is going to make the team. I believe that our offense is pretty much set , but our Defense that we hinge our lives on is still not looking impressive. But the Heckler called me and gave me reassurance that Dick Lebou Never shows what kind of plan he has for the 2008 season.............

So I have gone back to college for the three hundredth year in a row, and the University of South Carolina Athletics has implemented a new ticketing system and it is a bust. Tickets went on computer last night for students at midnight, but of course the request for tickets - the actual website was to clogged with every freshman in the county trying to get tickets. Then after you request you have to go back and claim your tickets with in three days, if you do not complete this process a total of 5 times in your College career you are kicked off the system- dumb.
What happened to sleeping outside in the rain and the cold, drinking having fun missing class etc- for games. So now kids are even more sissy than ever lets stay at home and log on to the computer at midnight. - double dumb.

Look at real waiting for tickets that is an event !


So IN MSM death Match News The Second combatant in the final Four is the Huxtables

This is why the Huxtables why win the death tournament:

  • Rudy is a cyborg

  • Theo is a slacker - and has no career

  • Cliff is wearing a Kevlar sweater

  • the rest of the cast is great with weapons

  • Jello pudding nough said

Tell us why the Huxtables will continue to dominate here is how they got to finals:

  • The Sievers

  • Uncle Sam

  • Santa clause

So with that Being said Vote for either Bigfoot or The Huxtables all weekend long with your scenarios and the best one wins.

Have a great weekend, Have fun but be safe out there!


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