Friday, August 29, 2008

It Sure was a Cock Fest

I am going to come right out and say it... The game that I watched on ESPN last night was nothing short of watching an episode of Murder She Wrote. Just once I wish the institute from which I graduate would go all in and play a game. It put me in such a deep sleep that I slept through my alarm and was late for my job that keeps at all times desperately out grips of being in the black.

I am tired of the nepotism. Skip now JR. no I am not talking W. here. I am talking Spurrier Junior calling the plays for the GameCocks hows about hiring someone who is actually qualified to do the job. Good call on the starting Quarter back too, brilliant, and the other son is holding future NFL kicker Ryan Succop's balls. How about we put him where he really belongs; wearing a bike helmet handing out freshly pressed Jock Straps in the Carolina equipment room to the rest of the illiterate fools they call student athletes. 

Get rid of Garcia, he is a waste of genetic material. Don't worry we'll have his orange jump suit embroidered with his name on it. This kid is the result of a late night grope fest in the back of late model chevy pick up and broken prophylactic in the parking lot of the Tastey Freeze. Get a hair cut this isn't Vermont nor is it 1970's. Has anyone seen my keys?

In baseball news You suck A-rod. Way to Earn that Pay check. How's Skelator treating you? Oh wait that's Madonna.  The Sox put Beckett on the 15 day DL? Once again chasing the wild card... Oh well at leas Tammy Ramirez is gone.

There has been some chatter about the bruins... yet again. But from what I hear Bobby Ore has not stopped working on the machine to roll him in his grave. Get up Bergeron!

Onto the NBA they will be getting an Iranian this season. That'll be interesting. I think we just need another hostage crisis. Who negotiated this deal Jimmy Carter? While he's over here lets try and convert the 7'2'' terrorist to christianity and see what happens at home for him. I don't know call me crazy, I think it'd be fun.

I am bored bring on the NFL.

Mike Phelps Drink Coke.

I didn't proof read this and i don't care.


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