Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Changes and Line Changes.....


So here we are into the first days of Spring, and into the third round of the NCAA men's Basketball tournament. Needless to say I am not impressed, I am in full blown Hockey mode this year. I have not been locked on a season like this since 1992.

I am border line obsessed, well I know that doesn't change from my obsession with other Pittsburgh sports, but this year Penguins hockey is my thing. I think Ray Shero the Pens Gm, has put the Turkey on the table for the Pens to claim another cup.

Criminal is in the house tonight- ridiculous. I have never hated or disliked a player like Ovechkin ever( OK maybe Tony Stewart) but in defense to Stewart I think the man can drive a car better than anyone. Ovechkin and the crapitals are Red hot and in first place.....I think they are way better equipped last year , and better staffed. But they are no Penguins.

The Pens need a little Geno in their life, we need him back soon.

Pens Magic Numba is 5/4 depending which schmick won last eve...

Pens-Craps 7pm.

Legal Beagel

As for other Changes, The Georgia department of Law/Barney Fife division is now not requesting DNA samples from Big Ben-this is another huge hole in the case. NFL comish Roger Godell is going to meet with Big Ben this week- hopefully no suspension will be in the works. I am a huge Big Ben fan and supporter- but this shit has to stop. The Pittsburgh Steelers are known for keeping their noses clean in the media. Yeah I say that people make mistakes but twice is a little fisha'- lets go Ben We have an excellent Fball team this year and I don't want my season to end in April.

Finally for this hump day, I will have a full Bucos report from Bradenton next week.....

Lets GO pens!


1 comment:

B Brog said...

yea that woman's case is crumbling...i give it two weeks before she just gives up.