Monday, March 8, 2010

Truck Tuesday

As I watched the ending of the Gold Medal Olympic game where Sidney scored and immediately threw off gloves, mouthguard and stick to embrace his fellow Countrymen I was curious how each person would get everything back. Maybe I am a paranoid person, but I hate losing things and breaking things, so thoughts like that seriously cross my mind. I mean what if the stick he used to score the winning point got crushed under all of the celebratory embrace?

Well luckily nothing got broken, well probably not, I mean no one has found it, so who would know. Thats right folks, someone stole Sidney's Olympic Gold Medal winning gear. You would really think that someone would notice a random person walk off with Sid's stick, but I guess everyone was more worried about the medals at that point. The only thing that was left was his mouth guard, the least obvious thing to walk of with, but whatevs. Sid is still using that mouth guard in the Penguin Games since the Olympics.

And for as many crazy people there are in the world, there are a few decent people also. Reebok is offering a $10,000 reward, no questions asked, for the return of his stick and gloves.

The funny thing is, I bet Sid would pay a lot more than $10,000 to get this stuff back.

You have all probably seen this, but I am showing my Sidney/Reebok Support. Hope you find your stuff!

See ya next Tuesday,


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