Wednesday, March 3, 2010

19 games, Birthday and Snow dayz


So one of our own is celebrating her birthday, Labuda on the Left is turning an undisclosed number today and the MSM and the rest of the Free world wishes her the best.

In other local randomness Columbia South Carolina had Snow flurries again last night to the tune of 3- 4 hours with a local onion snow dusting. This is hilarious to me because I woke up this morning to nothing on the roads and the ground. ( 2 hour delay no morning Kindergarten) This only proves one thing to me Al Gore is terribly wrong( global hot stuff) and Punksatawny Phil is right again. So One rodent got it right!

With 19 games to go and the Trade deadline happening today approx 3pm est. I expect to see one last trade by the Penguins to try and get a big named winger here. There were a Flurry ( get it) of trades that happened last night - Brian will have it in great detail tomorrow.I expect in my heart to lose a Fedetenko, Letang or Kennedy before the day is over. But that is Hockey at the Deadline. The Penguins are the most solid team out there, if you don't believe me - watch em
Finally Big news again about Pitt Going to the Big Ten( along with Rutgers, Mizzou) Whatever happened to Notre Dame going to the Big ten since they play half the teams in there in a Regular season, oh that's right they don't want to leave the Big east for Basketball?
I wish everyone a great Wed, get ready Pens fans it's going to be a good ride!

(pictures would not upload this morning-blah)

11: 23 am - Truck added some photos...It is "sexy wednesday" for goodness sake. Since I am on here, might as well add something for the ladies!

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