Sunday, March 14, 2010

Pen Zen: The Away Game Phenomenon

Hello Yinzers,

Happy Daylights Savings Time! Now, I know that everyone is upset about losing an hour of sleep, but the clock you were too lazy to reset months ago is not an hour off anymore...

I would like to take the extra hour of the day to introduce myself as the newest blogger for The Morning Steel Mill. My name is Stephen Daniel (gentleman on the left), Pens fan ever since I was a young 5 years of age. For the entirety of my life, I have lived in Canes and Caps country in North Carolina and Virginia. Which is an unusual place for a Pens fan of any age. However my most fondest memories as a Pens fan were not necessarily the home games in 'Da Burgh, but the games I attended in Raleigh that were, in ways more special, which brings me to my weekly segment...

Every week, I would like the take the time to let Pittsburgh fans recharge and gather themselves for another great week of sports. I would like to have a weekly column called: "Pen Zen", which is just an observation piece of random (and perhaps random and stupid) phenomenon that should be noted in the world of hockey. It might make you think, it might make you reflect, it might possibly make you lose your lunch... but it let it guide you before you watch another week of Penguin domination.

Since the Pens are on a 5 game road trip, I found it appropriate to talk about a phenomenon that is very close to my heart, fans at an away game. Thursday, I took it upon myself to watch the Penguins play the Hurricanes in Raleigh, NC in the RBC center. The parking lots and the stadium were less than impressive, but the attendance from the Penguins was.

It never ceased to amaze me the sort of passion from an away fan. It's a sort of "us against the world" that makes the game that much more fun. It should be considered unusual to see a Penguins jersey, but when you do, it's like meeting a member of the Penguins themselves. You want to know everything. Who they are, where they are from, why they came to the game and so forth. It was like being a kid in a candy store for anyone in attendance who was wearing black and gold.

Another interesting fact of why I consider away games better than home games is that originality is almost negated. Sure, when you go to Mellon and see someone wearing an overpriced Sidney Crosby jersey, you might say, "Yeah, how unique". However, when you tailgate at someone else's ice, you might shout uncontrollably, "GO PENS!" regardless of which name is dawned on the back.

Lastly, if you are a Pens fan of recent years, you should feel even better about the feel of games on the road. Interestingly enough, the Pens closed out the Flyers, Caps, Canes, and Wings in their own building. Is there nothing better in this world than shutting up an opposing fan? Especially when you know they will never see another game until next season. Might just make the feeling that much sweeter.

So when you see a fellow Penguin at an away game, make sure to scream obnoxiously to get his/her attention, offer them a beer (or you might be on the receiving end), and ignore what name is on the back, bond with your brothers and join together against the enemy. There is no foul for wearing a Sid or Geno jersey*

*Correction: Wearing misspelled jerseys you bought on Ebay must forfeit one beer

*Double Correction: Wearing a Marian Hossa jersey must take a shot to the groin... by every Pens fan that notices...

Thank Yinz for reading. May you have peace withpens.

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