Wednesday, March 10, 2010

There's a Rothlenberger on the Loose......ooooh EL!


Police in Milledgeville(sp) GA are currently on the look out for a quarterback from the NFL who supposedly roughed up a couple locals( girls ) or ( girl ) in a bathroom this past weekend. His name is Rothlenburgher. Pictured below is Police Chief Woodrow Blue, Whom is the head investigator looking for this Rothlenburgher character. Good Luck Chief Blue hope you and Barney find this culprit.

This story is so out of Whack that it will never hold up in court or anywhere else other than TMZ. I live in the South , So I understand when this Local couldn't get a two time Super bowl champion's Name right.They are not dumb by any means, but to put this in perspective this is the same fan base in Georgia that could tell you the batting average of Sid Bream in game 7 of the NLCS when he beat the Bucos . Lets put it out there my Mom , knows What Ben's last name is- nough said.

For the First time in my "adult " Life the Steelers had a big day of free Agent signing on Monday of this week. Are you Kidding me? The Steelers Signed Will Allen, Arnez Battle, Ryan Clark and Antwan Randle EL. Another First, resigning a Player whom at one time left the Steelers for big pay day at another club.

I am very excited for these signings, I Hope that our Quarterback Ben Roethlisberger is happy that he has more options to throw to on third down. Here is my question about that I thought we were going back to a running game?


On Fire! I should leave it at that, but the Pens have a huge game in Raleigh tomorrow night where they will be Hosted by the Canes. The Canes are on a Winning streak also. I have never seen the Pens play in Raleigh, I am juiced.

Tomorrow night's game will be a star Studded affair as I will be Accompanied to the game by IGC member Steph Boatwright and Uncle Sean and Aunt Chris Bliss. Pumped isn't just a term used for getting those sneakers tight.

One last thing , this is the eve of one of my favorite holidays- St. Patricks day! I hope everyone has fun at their respective festivities this weekend - be careful and Get aht.




WeIntertwined said...

Worst picture of me EVER! Let's go Pens!!!!!!

MSM said...

only pic of us- yinzer