Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Luck of the Wedensday


First Off Happy St. Patrick's day . This is one of my most favorite days. What other holiday lets you get smashed to your Bejesus ,and other Drunk white folk think it's ok. The Story behind St. Patrick's day is quite a sad one also- google it on your own time. The Irish as a hole are prolly the most condensed group of upbeat people in world History.....*not Notre Dame- but the actual Irish. ( 2 plagues, Irish potato famine,overrun with snakes,live next to the British)

Tonight is a huge game for the pens , for they are on the road in the most Irish place in the States- Boston. I really hope that the Backlash from M.Cookes hit last week is not that bad. If I were Disco Dan I would sit Geno, Sid for tonight's Irish Brawl. Game is at 7pm .

I wish everyone a great Irish jig, green beer and fellow to drink with.

Eren Go PENS!

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