Monday, January 26, 2009

Welcome Back Heckler.....

Hey Yinzers,

So one of our writers has returned to the MSM. we have him here in an exclusive interview to welcome him back. He is live from sunny Tampa Bay for Super Bowl 43!!!!

NIX: Hecker welcome back to the MSM, what have you been doing?

Heckler: I have been in underground bunkers studying what the Steelers need to do so they win Super bowl 43.

Nix: really bunkers?

Heckler: No really I am in Tampa covering the Super bowl and I refuse to drink any Arizona Ice Tea and wear any Arizona Jeans this whole week - no hell this whole month.

Nix: So what do you think about the Steelers chances, do we have a chance or are we Over confident?

Heckler: As long as Roethlisberger wears a helmet we have a pretty good chance.

NIX: what do you like about the Arizona Cardinals?

Heckler: nothing, what were you expecting a witty answer?

NIX: What are you going to bring the MSM Friday for your Super Bowl 43 preview?

Heckler: We'll start with Brenda Warner's Hair and go from there.....

NIX: well we are looking forward to it, great to have you back!

Well we are looking forward to the Heckler and his live updates from Tampa this Friday!

As you know this blog is dedicated to Pittsburgh sports, and other things too.

I myself will be heading to Washington DC, and then to Pittsburgh PA for the Super Bowl this upcoming week.

The MSM will have in depth SB coverage, and Steelers SB history along with Sexy Wed that is actually a Steelers Girl that we know......really we know her.


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