Monday, January 12, 2009

Hard Liquor+ NIX= EPIC FAIL

Hey Yinzers,

So After the huge Steelers win on Sunday my apartment is finally back together. I was now told in story book fashion that I did to many Jager Bombs. EPIC FAIL on my part. I remember the entire game, nothing else but the game.

Wally's on Broad River was great, it was wall to wall people. Standing room only. Their was one casualty on Sunday Chad Brognano's Troll suffered sever and life ending injuries. It was because I was dusted by a 350 pound Steeler fan. my bad.EPIC FAIL.

Other than that, this week will be awesome, waiting for the Steelers and rat birds on Sunday.


What the hell is going on, there is rumors of Double JJ returning to the Pens this season. This would be great if it would happen. if he returned the Penguins would be half way back to making the Playoffs.

No more Liquor for this Yinzer, My bad- Epic Fail.


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