Thursday, January 22, 2009

Okay, so here's an unbiased analysis about Super Bowl 43. You've got the Steelers (12-4) vs. the Cardinals (9-7). The Steelers defense is impeccable, a force to be reckoned with if I may use a cliche. Troy Palamalu is ferocious, and has barely missed a beat all regular and post-season. The defensive line is going to eat Warner alive, and if, no when they do, Warner's going to be down for the count. He's not going to be able to brave the brutality of the Steelers' defense or the bone crushing blows of that crazy Samoan poppin' through the O-line. I'll give it to the Cards, they've looked good post-season. Fitzgerald is a strong competitor, but he's getting WAY too much hype for such a powerhouse defense.

Next, BEN IS BACK. Big Ben has continuously been making smart plays and really playing like a seasoned quarterback. This is neither QB's first rodeo, but remember, Warner is over a decade older than the youthful Roethlisberger. Ben's working the pocket like a veteran, throwing well, scrambling and just playing all around good football. Parker and Ward are phenomenal athletes and an experienced playoff duo, and most of the Steeler team are as well.

Sure the Cards have a few secret weapons...but the Steelers have an Arsenal!!


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