Friday, January 16, 2009

OK Baltimorons we get it......

Hey Yinzers,

So we get it- F'n Baltimore wants to run it's mouth all week. Last time I checked we are not running our mouth back b/c Joey P is no longer with us. I was not going to retaliate- But I have had enough. Here is a list of reasons they will not win:

1. They are not a real team , fan base or have a real mascot. We get it you guys don't know whom to root for. The colts left town in the weee hours of the morning and then your city was repayed by getting the crapped up Browns. So are yinz rooting for the colts?

2. NAME: Authors, that is what scares the crap out of me. Edgar Allen Poe-ser is whom the team is named after. Last time I was scared of an author I think it was Stephen King's the stand.

3. We beat yinz twice: oooooooooh three times is impossible. Bull it even says that we have a statistically better chance of whipping you a third time.

4. You have known criminals on your team: three convicted felons that have not been tried because they play foosball. Oh and you hate the Steelers because Hines Ward smiles all the time.

5. Joe Flacco: Your numbas vs the steelers are not that impressive. oh but our D is. I am tired of the Joe Cool crap. Yeah way to beat a totally over rated Titans team. be glad that you have the Number 2 defense backing you up. That's right #2 defense.

6. Everyone Hates you:(fill in why here) church and state

I could keep going on and on, but I won't : here are some moments from last tailgate at my house last Sunday. Just found the camera and now we have photos.....enjoy.

Buddy and Sue( it was her birthday)

Alex and Keith

Jen and Chadrick, Jimmy in the Cooler................

Here we go !

Beat the Ratbirds


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