Thursday, January 1, 2009

On the Shnide............

Hey Yinzers,

So this year as a Pittsburgh fan is off to a crapola start, the Pitt Panthers lost the most boring game in college football history yesterday 3-0 to the beavers of Oreagon State Beavers. The Pittsburgh Penguins are getting Hammered they have won 4 out of the last 12 games and Finally Penn State was embarassed by Southern Cal yesterday in the Rose Bowl ( score not needed).

Here is the Postive:

The Steelers are a 2 seed in the Playoffs and after this upcoming weekend can see whom they will be hosting at the confines of Hines Field. Like I said before I really don't care whom we play- I think that if the O shows up, and the D is the same D we have seen all season. Then the 12-4 Steelers should play one game at a time, and with a little perserverance should do fine.

Finally ,

I called it first when the gamecocks were slated to play the Iowa Hawkeyes I said that the Gamecocks would fall by at least 60 points. I was close. 31-10. I think that Spurrier is out the door on his own and alot of our players are leaving for the NFL. We are back to Garnet and Black hell.

Penguins Loose again last night to the Boston Bruins again.

I hope everyone had a great time with Family and friends and we look forward to getting back , to more virtual Diaries, Sexy wed, and other bloggity .


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