Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Virtual Diary Part 2

Dear Diary,

(whimper, cough, cry whimper)

OOOOOOO woe is me Looks like my time here in Clempson is over. I sure will miss letting my orange balloon go as the tigers run down the hill. I sure will miss rubbing Howard's Cock oops I mean rock when we unload from the buses at the top of memorial stadium. Finally I sure will miss being overrated every year and then blowing games to teams like Maryland, and Duke.

Oh but I remember the good times at Clempson , like when we got into that brawl with LOU Holt's and his chickens when we played them a few years ago. Oh that was classy. I remember finally beating my 110 year old daddy down at Florida state, he never did teach me how to win......I think he loves my other brother more, in fact I know he does. I asked mom if I could move back in until i promise another football program a winning tradition, and she said no.

No more Orange, no more winnin' and no More( crying uncontrollably) Clempson.

I will miss you cock, i mean rock Howard.

Tommy Bowden

Phone rings ( ring ring ring)

Tommy: Yello?

Ty Willingham: Uh Hi Tommy , How are you?

Tommy: Not to good ty, got the boot this week.

Ty Willingham: Well I am going to get the boot at the end of the season,

Tommy: so?
Ty Willingham: Soooo I was thinking we could be roomates?Until we both find new coaching jobs- you know bosum buddy's?

Tommy: Uhh I don't know how to put this , but I could never live with you TY!

Ty Willingham: Why, is it because I am black?

Tommy: No see I was a head coach and you are never going to be a head coach probably never even a color commentary fella' now see if you said you wanted to live with me because you were looking sticktly for a roomate then I would have said yes.

Ty Willingham: That is why I called din tha first place( would you quit lying to your self for like one minute) that is what got your cracker ass fired !

Dumb ass white people- well Bowdens mostly.
(Slams phone down)

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