Thursday, October 2, 2008

Baseball Thursday?

Hey Yinzers,

I know A baseball blog- give me a break but we at least need to recognise that fall baseball is going on, and to tell you the truth it is totally bearable. The huge season of baseball is way too much for the average Americans attention span. ( Football Fans) . If the baseball season was 35 games then the regular playoffs that would be bearable, but the way it is with 161 or 162 games that means the Pirates have a chance to loose a whole lot of games.

So here are the Playoffs:

White Sox - Tampa Bay series starts today at 2:37 on TBS

Red Sox - Anaheim/Los angels angels SOX 1-0

Milwaukee- Philly Philly 1-0

La dodgers- Chicago Cubs dodgers 1-0

I really thought for a long time that the Playoffs were allot longer than that, but in all honesty Hockey starts on Saturday and with Football here and College b-ball and Football my plate is pretty full.

Goodbye Lanny:

After 33 seasons calling buco baseball Lanny Frattare has decided he has seen enough loosing baseball. He was the voice that I grew up with and he will be missed dearly. I will miss his signature" There's NOOOOOOOdoubt about it" and his Giant Eagle innings where he would mispronounce some schmuck from Harmer and won a 100.00 grocery card. I have come to the conclusion that the pirates are so bad that everyone is jumping ship. ( No pun intended)Plus Bob walk was totally Jonesing on Mrs. B at Buco fest a few years ago.

NO Heckling

So the reason the Heckler sised out on today's Blog is that he is getting his hair done and running some errands because next week he is taking the kids to Disney Land in Orlando. Have a good one big fella.

Have a great weekend! Thanks for reading, Stop by Paul's if you are in the area and tell them that the MSM sent ya and he will probably give ya something. Also go To Wally's Ale House on Sunday for the Steelers game 8:30 vs the Jags.



Anonymous said...

what is this "playoff baseball" you speak of? ive never seen such a thing.

Unknown said...

this blog sucks. You are a stool sample nix!

Unknown said...

where's the new blog at?
This blows!

Anonymous said...

just as a random fact, when sly stallone came to pittsburgh, sally wiggin interviewed him. they rode in the same limo downtown and when they emerged from the vehicle, the crowd roared saying "SALLY!!!" rather than showing support of sly.