Thursday, October 9, 2008

Hello Everyone... Well its official the only thing lower than my self-esteem is the DOW JONES INDUSTRIAL AVERAGE. But it's ok because the Red Sox Have advance again, A-Rod Hows that Divorce working for ya? YOU SUCK!

See I don't even know anymore if I hate the Yankees that much or if I really am Red Sox Fan, but that is neither here nor there.

As for the Patriots I still think it's a wait and see Situation. Hey if an in experienced and what looks to be like the lead role of Naughty Liberians 8 can be the VP Candidate for the GOP then Maybe Lil ol' Matt can be an effective QB, you Betchya! What, no? Well maybe he we'll be a Maverick and stand up to Bill for all the pork that has been holding together New England for the last few weeks. I still think Eli is Mildly retarded which may explain why he has won a Super Bowl.

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