Friday, October 17, 2008

No team from Tampa Bay should ever be in the post season...ever. Tamp Bay is for the purpose of spring training for the more superior. It is going to be very upsetting to the natural order of things if the Tamp Bay Devil Rays make to the Series, oh I am sorry the crazy christian right made them do away with the devil. I am still waiting for the day the Braves become the Atlanta Indigenous Peoples and the Cleveland Indians are forced to change their name to the People Who's Economy was based on fur Trading and Wampum now it's based legalized gambling and cheap cigarette sales, try fitting that on a baseball jersey .

Any way go SOX!

A-ROD You Suck.

Has anyone tried the Bud American Ale yet? I am looking to see if it's any good.

$1000 for a ticket to the Superbowl? What the hell is wrong with you. Way to allienate your largest fan base NFL... Middle America. If you keep raising ticket prices your going to end up on the recieving end of a $700 billion bail you human paraquats. Your killing yourselves.

Tony Romo, maybe this will teach you to drink your tea without sticking your pinky out. Jessica Simpson has clef chin and it is distracting looking at her face. Hey Jessica your sister got the nose job, why can't you get your chin fixed... Seriously you look like Tom Brady. And by coorelation Tony Romo has a crush on Tom Brady and by the tautilogical truth Tony Romo is gay.

At this point I am getting tired of baseball this season, yes me, I am getting tired of baseball. It seems to be dragging its self out longer than the life expectancy of John McCain and Ted Kennedy. Seriously how old are you two. I understand the ol' Teddy is pretty well pickled but what's the reason behind John McCain. I think it has to do with how much younger is wife is then him. Meaning he is sucking her will to live and keeping it for himself.

TIGERS v. COCKS this weekend in columbia. My prediction, Clawed Balls.

Have a good one

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