Monday, October 13, 2008

Oh yeah Monday!

Hey Yinzers,

So a big upset weekend in College football, I know we were do for one finally this year. All the big guys have fallen and now like we said before now the story line changes one more time. Missouri, Oklahoma and LSU are all out of the Final picture for right now.

Oh and Clempson's season is over- not too shabby. Great loss at Wake the other night.


So I am currently attending the University of South Carolina and there is no way we should be 5-2 heading into the LSU game this upcoming weekend. Our playbook looks like my English notebook- scraps. How we win games in this league is besides me. We have changed our starting quarter back 11 times in 7 games ( i know making a point)and our Defense is the only thing consistent. So what are the chances that our offense can put up some numbers on LSU? Pretty slim to none- but if you are a Gamecock fan anything can happen. So I am almost going to predict a win this week- but it may change about the number of times we change our quarter back.


big conference match up this week vs the Bungals. We should take out the trash on Sunday when we are back to a normal game time again at 1pm. this all over the map crap with times is really stinking this year. Oh well still glad I am steelers fan.


Pens lost the home opener to the devils 2-1 on Saturday. They did however raise the new banners to the rafters stating that this will be the beginning of something great for the Pens and our new dynasty that is about to begin. Just like the steelers we would prefer that you do not pick us to win a game- thanks alot.

Hope everyone has a great Monday and if this blog sounded jumbled it is.


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