Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Rise of the Nixheckler!

The Almighty Nixheckler is here to set the world straight in regards to Nix and in regards to pro and college football. I, the Nixheckler, will expose Nix for fraud that he is and bring you meaninful insight into the world of college and pro football. I will bring my expertise to the morningsteelmill every Thursday or everytime I feel that Nix needs to be brought down a notch. See you next Thursday.


Unknown said...


Hey, who would you rather bang? Nixhecklers mom or a rock?

MSM said...

WElcome Heckler, I hope that you and your comments are a welcomed edition to the MSM.
We look forward to seeing you every Thursday with your uncanny insight.
Congratulations on the big step to some to the MSM.

Unknown said...

Hey, so now the Morning Steel mill has 2 contributors yet no post for today? This makes me sad.