Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Riddle me Wedensday!

Hey Yinzers,

As I fell to sleep last night the US of America was in the Medal lead(25) in these here Olympics. It is pretty amazing to see that wherever the Olympic games are held the home team always shows up. What I am talking about is China. China is right behind the US with 21 medals. In the long run personally I do not care what medal it is, but I would and will always like the United States to dominate.

Talking about world Domination , It was just revealed that Olympic Swimmer Micheal Phelps whom just won his 4th Gold medal in 4 attempts is part robot. MSM has decided that he is part terminator and somehow half a fish - like a MERMAN. This is breaking news so tell your friends.

I actually have friends coming to town, yes I have friends. The Brognano's will be visiting our lovely coastline for the next few days and I will be hanging out with them in the days to come. The Brothers Brognano both attend Penn state University with Joe-pa. It will be quite a few days hanging out with them!

Well we are on the Eve of the Steelers traveling to Toronto to scrimmage vs the Buffalo Bills. This is exciting to me once again because there is nothing like Steeler Football. The tradition , the organization and especially the fans. There is nothing like being with Steeler fans every Sunday to watch black n gold football.

As for the game I am looking for the Injury bug to stay away and to see if our rookies can shake off the first game and come out and show the Bills defense a thing or two. I will have a complete wrap up of the game on Friday!

Throughout the season I want to show great moments in Steeler History with you.I believe that in life if you love and adore something that you should try to share it with all those who will listen. Today I want to talk about one reason I got into broadcasting, Myron Cope. Myron Cope was the play by play voice of the Pittsburgh Steelers for 35 years. He mentored , he wrote ,he had a cult following. Myron lives on through his finest creation THE Terrible towel , here is a short video of the late great Myron Cope. Terrible Towel Video.

I think that since it is Wednesday that you should once again :

In MSM death match news Peter Griffen finished off the racing sausages with a side of fries and will move to the Final round playoffs- the Final four if you will . The final match up to go on to the Final Four round is quite a doosey:

The Dark NIght



Worst mascot ever

Steeley McBeam

Vote early and often and make sure that you have a great Wednesday!



Jim Mitchell said...

We already killed Flair. Moving on.

Nixheckler said...

Hey idiot...Batman defeated Flair last round! So in the matchup on Batman and McBeam...Batman spray the mascot with McBeam spray that he keeps on his utility belt.

Prehistoricskank said...

Flair was eliminated by Batman you moron...If you can't keep things straight then who can? Batman over McBeam.

Jim Mitchell said...

They fight in a chemical factory McBeam is made out of foam rubber he trips, falls, his beam goes through a vat of acetone spilling everywhere he melts... what-a-world what-a-world what-a-world.............Batman wins.