Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Lazy Thursday!!!

Another Thursday is upon us and Nix has begun to relagate his duties to myself(Nixheckler) and Jim. I know it has to be tough to blog for 10 minutes, talk like an idiot to the listening audience for an hour, and then go home to sleep one off for 6 hours...Oh the tough life of Nix. Since we're on the subjuect of Nix; what the heck kind of nickname is Nix? Nix is a cream used for killing scabbies or head lice. A Nix is also a shapshifting water spirit in German Mythology. Great choice of a nickname dilhole!

But on to more important things: The Steelers are 1-0 and on there way to an undefeated preseason. A more impressive 11-5 regular season campaign, and a Super Bowl Championship.(the 2nd in 4 years.) The University of Louisville Cardinals are undefeated and will stay that way for at least the next 3 weeks.

A judge ruled yesterday the Southern California University is the real "USC", not South Carolina University.(Sorry Cocks, you are not only losers on the field but off it as well.)

Lets hear it for China. They are well on their way to seriously challenging the US for the medal count for the first time. I do not think that it is strange at all that they are dominating events that they normally to not even qualify for. I wonder who is doing the drug testing? THE CHINESE! But I'm sure they are on the up and up.
Every Thursday I will leave you with a Nix quote. "Oh my God, did you hear? Russia just bombed Georgia! What city!? Atlanta!?"
Last but not least a press conference is scheduled for friday at noon to announce the discovery of a bigfoot carcass found in northern Georgia(the state).

-The Heckler


nathanpeterson said...

This is the best blog post since the mill started

tiffaneyperry said...

I love your writing style heckler! I also like the way you hate Nix! Great blog! Keep it up!

tiffaneyperry said...

WOW!!!!!Great blog today Nixheckler!!!! Best blog I've ever read. Your gramma is impeckable, your style is unflappable, your creativity is astonighing, your flavor is untouchable, your awsomeness is stupendouss!!!! I love you Heckler!!!

RicFlair said...

I'm speechless, what a blog!!!!

Prehistoricskank said...

And I thought Dark Knight was good!!! Great blog Heckler!!!!

Unknown said...

This blog made me PUKE! You friggin suck man!