Friday, August 1, 2008


Hey Yinzers,

So here it is FOOTBALL Season ! Thank gad!You have been playing NCAA 09 and you are jonesing for the real stuff. No matter where you are from , no matter whom you pull for no matter if it's College or pro you are glad it's here! There is nothing better than the smell of Fall. Leaves are changing , Tailgate Equipment is starting to get undusty and the rivalry's get started along with Trash Talking. I love this time of year. There is no better season than Fall. Tell us in the Comments section whom you are pulling for and why this year.

In MSM Death match news The Racing Sausages ran away from the Jolly Green Giant. They will run into the second round!

In todays huge Friday match up the Steel Mill presents

Steeley McBeam( The steelers illagitamate mascot)


Snuffaluphagus( seasame streets real life PIMP)

Big day in the Basball realm yesterday two longtime Staples in the sport were traded for late news!

Long time Red and Mariner Ken Griffey Jr was dealt to the White Sox, Ozzie Gillian has a new stud in the Club house! In BoSox News Manny is no More, he jumped Coasts and now is a Dodger.

I hope you really are getting excited and I hope that you have a great First day of August!
have a great Weekend!


Nixheckler said...

Steely McBeam would win by taking the gay elephant out with one swing of his beam. the end.

nathanpeterson said...

McBeam would grab snuf by the trunk, rip it off, then beat him to death with it.

Jim Mitchell said...

They would both die in their attempts to rape each other anally. Due to the amount of mutual rectal bleeding they both expire. Eliminating them each from the MSM death match tourney.

Anonymous said...

Rectal bleeding WOW! you can't beat that...Death by Mutual anal rape it is. Death To everyone!