Thursday, November 13, 2008

jims venting

While Tony Romo is out breaking his pinky off in Jessica Simpson's Ass the rest of the NFL is Playing one of the most and at the same time least Exciting seasons that I have ever lost interest in. From looking at the standings you think WOW! Most of these teams, minus the Lions who are about as effective as Jake Delhomme being your spokes Person, are neck and neck! On paper yes this is a very exciting time to be a football fan, but I find myself bored. I have had to watch Basketball to get the contact I crave... You get'em Yao. I just don't know? the Titans 9-0? the Panthers 7-2? the Giants 8-1? These three teams do not excitement me, it's like watching Tampa Bay go the World Series *yawn*. Maybe they'll be some excitement this weekend. Maybe former Jets QB Mark Wahlberg we'll show up and Shoot Brett Farve in the head to regain his starting spot and then dance in a snow vest and his Calvin Kleins. No but Seriously Mark you are a good Actor. You're about as good as A-Rods been with the Yankees for the Last Four years... YOU SUCK A-ROD!

My question for the NFL is where is the story line this year. I just can't see where this is going or think you do either. If you are going to try and do the whole undefeated season thing again with Titans what's the point you would be dumb to, just flat out stupid. Yes I am say professional Football is scripted some things since 2001 have just happened to perfectly not be. Please figure out where you are going with this season and in a hurry ratings are down. I know I work in a TV station your tanking no one cares any more don't be like the show Lost, cut them while you are ahead, your losses that is.

Maybe this week will bring the excitement I crave or Maybe Mangini will Finally have that heart attack we have all been waiting for.

Just remember people don't blame me I vote third Party.

Now if I may raise a glass for a moment...

May the road Rise to meet you
May the wind always be at your back
May the sun shine warm upon your face.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of his hands.


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