Friday, November 21, 2008

Insert Blog Title Here

Well it looks like the Bungles oxidized under the weight of the Steelers not the 40-50 points that some analysts were calling for though, and when I say analyst I mean Nix or Wade or whatever he's calling himself these days. Good Call Buddy.

The Celts Continue to tear up the parquet and I am not talking about a butter substitute I am talking about the basketball court. Kudos to Ainge's boys. Danny you nearly bankrupted the team getting Ray Allen and Kevin Garnett but it's paid its dividends which is good news because nothing else is at this point. But I am glad the Celts are back and their colors have finally fallen into favor as way of Identifying gang members. We aren't quite up there with Mike Vick Jerseys or the Raiders but we'll get there soon enough.

In an effort to create drama around the mid season doldrums in the NFL they have decided to reinstate Pacman Jones... Good Idea, well at least he hasn't change his name to some sort of spanish numeral combination yet, give it some time though, he'll either do something like that or knock over a liquor. Oh the fun that is going to ensue. I blame all the NFL's problems on Jerry Jones.... I mean just look at that guy he's a snake oil salesment if I ever seen one.

Awww Brady Quin is hurt... No more Protein shake commercials for him.

In other news NFL nice guy and clef chin lover apparently pals around with unrepentant homeless men taking in Paul Rudd movies when not on the practice field. This guy is turning into the Jimmy Stewart of the NFL.

A-ROD YOU SUCK. (not A-rod from the blog the one that claims to play for the Yankees)

Bad blog today I apologize


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