Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Truck Tuesday

So the waiting game is on. The Pens are definitely lucky that they have some rest time as we wait for the other teams to determine their fate. Kennedy and Leopold are both out from injuries as of now, but they both skated yesterday and Bylsma is hopeful that they will both be ready by game 1.

At this point we have two upsets in the East (#7 Boston over #2 Buffalo and #7 Philly over #2 New Jersey) If Montreal is able to beat The Caps tomorrow night then Pittsburgh will be the highest seeded team in the East - which is great, now that I am learning about home ice advantage. Regardless of who wins this series (Caps & Canadiens) Pittsburgh will have Home ice for the two series.

(Side note, didn't the Pens win in all away games in the last series, & win one game at home and lose two at home? Are we really sure we WANT home ice advantage...?)

As much as I initially thought I would hate the playoffs because of having a game every other night along with the immense tension that was not there in regular season, I am kind of starting to enjoy it. I think its because they bang out several games back to back and then you have a break for a while (if you are lucky). Also, I appreciate the fairness of these playoffs. Correct me if I am wrong, but this is they only sport that plays a the same team mulitple times in the playoffs before advancing. I definitely think any team can have an off night (cough, cough, pengins in atlanta), and one game should not determine the fate of a team in the playoffs - other than when they reach game 7, but at that point its pretty obvious both teams are deserving (maybe).

Till the next series,

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