Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Truck Tuesday

Yesterday the Pirates played their opening season game and beat the LA Dodgers. So this is a big deal because apparently the Pirates suck pretty bad. But hey, it would be pretty difficult to have three phenomenal pro sports teams, so I guess Pittsburgh will just have to settle for two. But maybe after a big win like yesterdays with three home runs, this year could be "next year" (as we Carolina fans like to call it).

Next Pens game is tonight against the Caps who we all love to hate. But the Thursday night game is the one I am really looking forward to. This game against the islanders starts at 7:30, but there is a treat before the game - which hopefully will be aired - the pre-game ceremony. This is the Pens last regular season game in Mellon Arena and over 50 former Penguin players will be in attendance. It is also fan appreciation night and the current penguins will give 20 lucky fans the shirts off their backs. Talk about a great game to be at – Tickets are starting at $225 – yikes!

Only four games to go in regular season? Wow, as much as the hockey season felt like it lasted about 15 months, I can’t believe it is over. Well this Saturdays game against the Thrashers is especially exciting for me because it is my first hockey game! I am pretty psyched to see all the ins and outs of hockey with shift changes etc, instead of just seeing the camera follow the puck. Also, Crosby has 47 goals for the season, and wouldn’t it be awesome to see him score his 50th in person! That’s what I’m hoping for. I obviously will be reporting more on that next Tuesday with pictures I'm sure.

I hope you yinzers have a Happy Tuesday.

Yours Truly,


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