Lets face it...Super Bowl week is really not that Super. Other than My "uncle" Sean and Jerry Day I can't think of any Colt's fans that I actually talk to. ( or give a damn about) -Go Steelers.
In all honesty the only two things I could think about this evening was How much I like Polka Music and How much I miss the Hartford Whalers.Random? I think not.... Let's start with Polka Music, Being from Pittsburgh there is great pride in Pittsburgh Polkas. Hell I never knew that there were actual Polka's written that did not contain Pittsburgh References.

So Wade (You ask) What is sexy about Polka? Foreign chicks love polka( so I have heard) and it goes well with Beer, pork products, pretzels and dancing.(Dancing????) I am not talking about that one Polka that they play at the wedding in between the Hokey P. and the chicken dance. I am talking about hearing a Polka absolutely snookered and dancing to the sweet sweet sound of an accordion. Polka next to Death Metal can be ranked as some of the most manliest music on the planet. - nough said.
The Hartford Whalers

From 1979-to 1997 the NHL had a franchise in the New England Area called the Hartford whalers. I remember when I watched Hockey growing up what a beautiful arena they had( the Hartford Civic center). I also remember these huge Chandeliers they had in the lobby that they would show during the commercial brakes. I remember the trade that brought Ron Francis, Ulf Samuelson and Grant Jennings to the Penguins. The Penguins gave up Zarley Zalapski, Jeff Parker and John Cullen. What was sexy about this trade is that "Ronnie Franchise" basically catapulted the Penguins to two Stanley cups and Forced the Relocation Of the whalers to Raleigh where they now are called by their Christian name the Carolina Hurricanes.

Unlike Joey Mullen, Ron Francis still talks highly about his days in the Burgh Winning the cup and Being a part of the Golden years of Penguins Hockey.

One last Tit-bit , The whalers Mascot Name "Pucky the Whale"
Have a great Sexy Wed.
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