Thursday, February 17, 2011



Definition of a Fan is someone whom loves,lives breathes and follows his Team or someone throughout their lives.

A fan at the University of Alabama may have given all Fanatics a bad name from here on out. Yesterday on local radio in bama someone claimed to poison the ground and the Trees at Auburn's Toomers Corner. For those who don't know Toomers corner in Auburn Alabama is filled with 85 year old oak trees that after significant sporting event wins the teams go down and toilet paper the trees in Victory. This is a long standing tradition.

So some jack wagon decides to go and poison the trees so that he can live in infamy. This would be the equivalent of someone stealing Steeley McBeam.....Wait wait a minute, that isn't that bad.......

I hope they find him and do street justice to him , for all the Auburn Tiger fans I am sorry, and For all the Alabama fans that did not do this act of injustice I am sorry for you also.

Iron Bowl just got a little more Bitter....


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