Saturday, February 5, 2011

Black and Gold Memories

Hola Yinzers,

I just wanted to share one of my favorite Black and Gold memories with you; this week I've been feeling very nostalgic. I spent my week watching Pittsburgh related things (the Top 10 Pittsburgh Steelers, the Road to Superbowl XL). It just reminds me how much I love the City and being apart of the Steeler Nation.

My all time favorite memory of my Steelers is Superbowl XL; this is the first time I've seen my beloved team with the Superbowl...yes I'm only 25...

Let me set the scene for you... It was a small dingy dark (I'm sure there are more things I could insert here) bar on Broad River Road in Columbia, South Carolina. I was sitting at Table 1 (were the best of the best sat), and have been sitting there for the past 6 or so seasons. All the regulars were there in there as well as those fair-weather part timers :/ REGARDLESS, We were there for one reason and one reason only... TO SEE THE STEELERS WIN!!

And, of course (you know the outcome) THEY DID! (but not without giving us a few heart attacks along the way.)

I'm so looking forward to another Winning Repeat! And as my mom (and Wade's hairdresser) have been saying all season, "WE ARE GOING TO DALLAS TO STOMP ON THE STAR AND WIN!"
I couldn't find anyone stepping on the star, But I thought that you would like this one better :)


Labuda on the Left Coast

PS. I've been giving my students a good Steeler Education this week at School :)

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