Friday, February 25, 2011

City of Dreams and Bridges

Hola Yinz!

It was free advertising...what can I say?!

The past two days have been magnificent! I am on a totally unplanned trip to the Burgh, but I am enjoying every Pittsburgh moment.

The Pens game (Wednesday) was my first stop; It was my first time to the new Consol Energy Center, and I have to say it was pretty RAD! If any of you know my history with the Pens....My curse continues...

On a more exciting note, I got to see Keisel Shear the Beard. It was a monumental, historical moment in Pittsburgh history. (this will be one story I WILL be telling my grandkids.)



My night ended in a traditional feast of Pittsburgh...A Primanti sandwich (a #2 best seller), a Yuengling, cheese fries, and an Eat'n Park cookie :)

PS... I was interviewed by we'll have to stay tuned to see if I make the cut :) ... I did....Check it out!

Labuda in the BURGH!

Manatees, Beards and Pens!


So It has been a long time coming for consistency on this blog in a long time. We have a few writers on Hiatus along with getting my computer finally fixed. Thanks to a member of our Steelers group(David Strum) we are now up and Running like brand new.
Alot has happened in the last little bit in Pittsburgh Sports News......

Franchise Tag: Lamar Woodley has been tagged. Bottom line is Woodley has more sacks in his first three years than former Steeler great Greg Lloyd. You know you can start with all these other stats but that is the one that comes home. Plus he is Bad ace.

Good Bye to GOGO: Eric Gologoski was traded to the Dallas Stars for James Neal and a man that we will call Niskanen. The word on the ice is James Neal is that real deal. Niskanen is a grinder and will fit right in. Good job Ray Shero , once again you will amaze us in this unruly time of injuries.

The Bell Strikes: One time Penguin Alex Kovalev is back. This is as big as Gary Roberts or Billy Guerin. AK-27 ( if you do not know) is a sound bite machine. Along with his golden set of hands he loves the Penguins and said that these were his most productive years of his career. Kovi is like an angry version of Geno.....well Kinda. Welcome home Kovi.

F'n Pirates: Bob Nuttin' Gave a speech to the Pirates during practice in Bradenton this week and set Pirate city on fire. He basically said get over .500 for god sake. I really hope that i can wear my new bucos jersey this year without taking crap from every Braves fan I see.

I hope that the Pirates beat Manatee Community College today! Raise the Jolly Rodger!

Looking forward to get back into the swing of things on the MSM. Thanks to all the continued support from great Yinzers like you!

We are now on Facebook, Twitter in the future. Check out and join Igloo Club 222, Morning Steel mill pages.


Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Shear the BEARD!!

Hola Yinz!?!?!!

Yours truly will be in attendance!!!??! (just bought my ticket!)
Labuda in the BURGH!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Truffle Shuffle

Hola Yinz,

Happy Saturday to you! I would like to introduce you to my new little buddy, Gus. A strapping young lad, and one of the biggest Steeler fans I know. Just the other day he was telling me how much he loved the Steelers and all things Pittsburgh. His parents sure are raising this boy with some sense.
I can only guess what might be in his future...

On another note, I've been really down and out with all the Pittsburgh disappointments and all. I would just like to say that I truly love my city and any true Pittsburgher with stick with it, through thick and thin!

So what better way to heal my pains then to go to Pittsburgh! SO I booked a flight and am planning a get-a-way to the Mecca, and the future looks bright.

Labuda on the Left Coast.....soon to be on the Right Coast

Thursday, February 17, 2011



Definition of a Fan is someone whom loves,lives breathes and follows his Team or someone throughout their lives.

A fan at the University of Alabama may have given all Fanatics a bad name from here on out. Yesterday on local radio in bama someone claimed to poison the ground and the Trees at Auburn's Toomers Corner. For those who don't know Toomers corner in Auburn Alabama is filled with 85 year old oak trees that after significant sporting event wins the teams go down and toilet paper the trees in Victory. This is a long standing tradition.

So some jack wagon decides to go and poison the trees so that he can live in infamy. This would be the equivalent of someone stealing Steeley McBeam.....Wait wait a minute, that isn't that bad.......

I hope they find him and do street justice to him , for all the Auburn Tiger fans I am sorry, and For all the Alabama fans that did not do this act of injustice I am sorry for you also.

Iron Bowl just got a little more Bitter....


Tuesday, February 15, 2011

All Hands on deck....


Did you know that there are 3 major teams in Pittsburgh? The Steelers, the Penguins and the Pittsburgh Power indoor Football team( owned by Lynn Swann) . Just kidding the Pittsburgh Pirates started Spring training in Bradenton Florida yesterday and with a new roster, new manager and same management the Pirates are headed for their 18Th losing season.

I have always loved the Pirates and still do. When I lived in St. Louis I never missed a Bucos game when they came to town. I really wish that they would spend some money and get some talent and break .500 this year. That is my wish for the Pirates break .500

Raise the Jolly Rodger!

I'm with you Bucos( for god sake do something)


Monday, February 14, 2011

St. Valentines day Massacre


Holidays are a dime a dozen, Valentines day is the largest Hallmark Holiday out there. But Valentines day is mostly for women. Not so fast Yinzers, Tell me what other Holiday out there has a great Massacre attached to it's name?

The valentines day massacre is not in reference to the 9-2 schelacking of the Penguins from the Islanders a few days ago. In 1929 AL Capone sent out a hit in the Lincoln Park Neighborhood in Chicago. The target Bugs Moran and 5 other mobsters were knocked off. Tell me why when I went looking for Al Capone cards at Hallmark, they had none.....

Tell me why?


Saturday, February 12, 2011

We are Now on Facebook!


We are now on Facebook. Just do a search for Morning Steel Mill. Add yourself and hopefully follow our best year yet. Same staff, New stuff. Pittsburgh .

***Don't forget about Igloo Club 222 also*****
MSM staff

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Black and Gold Memories

Hola Yinzers,

I just wanted to share one of my favorite Black and Gold memories with you; this week I've been feeling very nostalgic. I spent my week watching Pittsburgh related things (the Top 10 Pittsburgh Steelers, the Road to Superbowl XL). It just reminds me how much I love the City and being apart of the Steeler Nation.

My all time favorite memory of my Steelers is Superbowl XL; this is the first time I've seen my beloved team with the Superbowl...yes I'm only 25...

Let me set the scene for you... It was a small dingy dark (I'm sure there are more things I could insert here) bar on Broad River Road in Columbia, South Carolina. I was sitting at Table 1 (were the best of the best sat), and have been sitting there for the past 6 or so seasons. All the regulars were there in there as well as those fair-weather part timers :/ REGARDLESS, We were there for one reason and one reason only... TO SEE THE STEELERS WIN!!

And, of course (you know the outcome) THEY DID! (but not without giving us a few heart attacks along the way.)

I'm so looking forward to another Winning Repeat! And as my mom (and Wade's hairdresser) have been saying all season, "WE ARE GOING TO DALLAS TO STOMP ON THE STAR AND WIN!"
I couldn't find anyone stepping on the star, But I thought that you would like this one better :)


Labuda on the Left Coast

PS. I've been giving my students a good Steeler Education this week at School :)

(almost) Live Super bowl updates


I have arrived.



Thursday, February 3, 2011

(almost) Live updates from Superbowl 45 #7


Everyone has Super Bowl Traditions. If you are lucky to have a team in your lifetime reach the super bowl at one time you may have started a tradition or two. My Traditions throughout the Season are many, but my Super Bowl Tradition has been Very Special.

David Freiss and I met in St. Louis Missouri in 2003/2004 and With Travis Day started one of the most successful Steeler Groups I have ever been apart of. David and I are 2-0 in Playoff games and 2-0 in Super Bowls. I am leaving for Washington DC Friday afternoon to see if we can continue our Super Bowl Tradition. David has even taken it a step further to only invite the same people we partied with two years ago for Super bowl 43.

Like I have said before the Steelers are so much more than football, it is getting together with old friends and family to pull for something that you hold dear to your heart.

For my South Carolina family of Matt n Chuck- I will miss you * Wally's crew included. .......

But for the Sake of the Seventh Super Bowl ..... I must go.

Here we go.


Wednesday, February 2, 2011

(almost) Live Updates from the SuperBowl #6

*****Breaking News******

Pittsburgh Steelers James Harrison(92) Is pissed. Yesterday Harrison cracked a joke and a smile for the first time in his adult life.

I am very scared for anyone whom has to line up to James Harrison this week.

Scary, very Scary.



(almost) Live Steelers Updates #5

Mother of Pearl,

Yinzers, How much motivation do you need to win a Super Bowl? Well don't worry about The Pittsburgh Steelers after Media day at the Super Bowl. The weather was not the only dark and Dreary theme of the day, NFL commish Rodger( i love the patroits) goddell brought his two sense to the table when asked about the Big Ben Georgia incident.

Thank you for inciting a War between Steeler Nation and the NFL. Max Starks, Keisel, Ryan Clark etc etc. Are pissed. I guess that making the steelers -2 underdogs wasn't enough. I would personally thank Rodger for giving the Steelers more Bulletin Board material for this week.

It just amazes me if you are not in the Steeler Nation, You really don't get it. Also on a Personal note I am not watching any National Media this week. It is only WDVE every morning and the MSM for my Super Bowl Coverage.

Midweek, Almost there!

Here we GO!


Tuesday, February 1, 2011

(almost) Live Super Bowl Updates#4


Being a Steeler Fan we always have some sort of Diversity. When I awoke to the Comments made by NFL Commissioner Rodger Godell I am not surprised again. The Comish whom is not a public fan of the Steelers made comments about the Big Ben Preseason Georgia debacle. (Peter King of Sports Illustrated article)

Wow, after a whole year of no comments you have to make it the Monday of Super Bowl week. Hey NFL why don't you favor the Packers this week too?(oops they already are+2)Could a leauge pull harder against a franchise.

Isn't it amazing that the Number one Franchise in merchandise sales and popularity is treated like the Cleavland Browns.( or the red headed step child)

Bring it on, NFL, Bring it on.
