Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Facebook,the Bridge to Nowhere and the Penguins...


First off I really do not like Facebook.Do you remember the days when there wasn't a cellphone in your hand 24/7 ?Or you were not on the puter checking your Tweet? No offense to you Facebookers out there( cause I am one of them) but until this week- I didn't like it-then Saturday Happened. Just jagging around on Facebook after one of our Igloo Club parties, I tried to request friends like Penguins players and Steelers etc etc. Then I got to thinking I really would love to friend ( the president,no)Rick Sebak.

Rick Sebak is a Historical institution on his own. He is a vital part to the Pittsburgh History Series. He is also a vital part to WQED in Pittsburgh. He is the voice and the host of such movies like" the Bridge to Nowhere", "The Mon the AL and the O" and his most famous one in our home "KennyWood memories."

Through Facebook this week, as you can imagine by the intro I had a conversation with the one and only R.Sebak. We chatted about BBQ,Westinghouse and the City of Columbia. I was just shocked. I realized that these kids with their Facebook really aren't that bad after all. Rick is the newest member of the Igloo Club 222 and he also sent me a Picture of Sophie Maslof and Himself. What a Week!

The Pittsburgh Penguins hit the ice tonight at the Consol Center . It is the first game, first preseason game at the new Igloo. Preseason hockey- eh, not to exciting. I guess it will be a sold out crowd tonight and it should be. For all the people that had season tickets for the Penguins that had to sit in that old barn, tonight is for you. LETS GO PENS!

I hope everyone has a wonderful week, enjoy the weekend ! Go Steelers and the PENS!

Facebook me and add yourself to the Igloo Club 222, kids get off yinz phones.


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