Friday, May 14, 2010

Commencement Week

For the glory of Old State,
For her founders, strong and great,
For the future that we wait,
Raise the song! Raise the song!

Sing our love and loyalty,
Sing our hopes that bright and free,
Rest oh mother dear with thee
All with thee, all with thee.

When we stood at childhood's gate,
Shapeless in the hands of fate,
Thou didst mold us dear Old State,
Dear Old State, dear Old State.

May no act of ours bring shame,
To one heart that loves thy name,
May our lives but swell thy fame,
Dear Old State, dear Old State.


I graduate tomorrow and I could not be feeling any more confusing emotion. Trying to come up with some way to put the last four years in perspective, I decided to take a look at my favorite Penn State tune, the Alma Mater.

The glory of Old State reaches beyond anything that most students in attendance can realize. Penn State carries the reputation for being one of the great public schools in the nation. This is not just reflected in the fact that the academic programs are right on par with the greatest in the nation, but also in the quality of people that this university churns out year after year. From the founders and great figures of old, to the university grandfather Joe Paterno, Penn State instills greatness in all that grace its campus. The figures of old guide the leaders of tomorrow. Coming in as an undergrad, students are naive and shapeless in the hands of fate. Penn State University molds its student body into a family of 40,000 over their time here. Learning both in the classroom and out, Penn Staters are among the most well-rounded individuals this nation has to offer. As a Penn Stater, we shall never disgrace the name of ourselves, our family or our university. We shall always remember who we are, where we came from and be thankful for what our university has taught us.

For the Glory,
B Brog

1 comment:

Charleighe said...

Congrats on graduating! Life after college isn't too awful! Atleast you have one more year of being a student. Enjoy it!