Thursday, May 20, 2010

Deep Thoughts Thursday


I thought I would do something new on Thursdays. From now until the Penguins finish golfing, Thursdays will be 'Deep Thought Thursday.' I'll post some of my deeper thoughts of the day/week. Ok? Week 1, here goes nothing.

What is safety, really? My personal opinion, safety is preventing the natural selection of the intelligence genes. I had a customer come into the store today looking for a new switch to put in his wall because the other one had gone bad. I noticed this fellow had medical tape wrapped around his thumb. "What happened there?" I asked. "I cut myself with my utility knife, I didn't think the blade was sharp." Ladies and gentlemen, utility knives are among the sharpest knives in the world. Companies go as far as to put "Be careful, knife is sharp" on their packages. This is a safety precaution. Without it, you would be able to tell every imbecile do-it-yourself-er from those with an IQ because they would be walking around without fingers or toes and have broken bones, if they were alive to tell you what idiotic thing they had done.

In conclusion, I despise morons.

Have a nice day,
B Brog

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