Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Truck Tuesday

As we all know the Civic Arena is nearing its end. After 48 years, the Arena will have one more big event and then retire. It is being speculated that the retractable roof may even be opened for the last event - that is if it will even open. The roof was last opened (partially) in 2001 and it was last opened all the way in 1995. It has not been annouced who will perform for the last time in this building, but if they are able to get the roof opened, I'm sure that will be a really great experience.

In other new, the Flyers and Blackhawks will be playing for the Stanley Cup soon. I have come to understand that all Pens fans hate the Flyers and understandably so. So its obvious that we should cheer for the Blackhawks right...atleast thats what I would think. Since this is my first year as a penguin fan, follower or whatever you want to label me as, I don't really understand the hostility of traded players. I guess no one has really explained to me why Hossa is loathed by Pens fans other than the fact that he used to be a Pen. But does a player have any control whether he is traded?...I didn't think so, but maybe I'm wrong. Explain that, and tell me who to cheer for!

RIP Mellon,


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