Monday, May 17, 2010

Truck Tuesday

Nothing big to report on this week. I should have posted my sentimental post this week instead of last so I could talk about what a bummer it is that the pens season is over blah blah blah...

We will see you next year a shiny new arena. And I will be sure to make it to a home game, or atleast a certain roommate of mine keeps promising to take me (and the whole igloo club).

Well I am feeling lazy today, but I came across this link that I think you all will appriciate. A game by game recap of this past regular season and playoff games...all 95 of them!

Before I give you the link, I want to share with you one of my personal favorite hockey moments all season. This happened early in the season, and it was probably one of the first games I actually sat down and watched. It was definitely the first game I got really excited about and it is also where my love of Billy G began...

Seriously, check this out. It highlights all the great Pens moments!

Till Next Tuesday,

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