Thursday, March 31, 2011
Get Your Day Started!
Hola Yinz, Well out here in San Diego, Charger fans just don't understand loyalty, they are so flippy floppy (like their shoes). (I know the season is over, but I live in a fantasy land where there is always Steeler football.) My classroom is decorated with a Terrible Towel, a Steeler calendar, and I have a Steeler lanyard for my id (not to mention I now have a sweet Steeler tattoo on my foot).... I get the strangest looks; it has become a weekly occurrence. It's like I'm crazy, and I just say, "Yes, I might be a crazy fan, but I would like to emphasize the word FAN!" I figure once a fan always a fan... not just between the months of August-Early February. So, I love this video... Just to get my day started! (yes it is early here in San Diego :) Heres to a great... Thursday?! LETS GO PENS! Labuda on the Left Coast
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Tis the Season
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
His Bottom's on TOP!

Hola Yinz...
I in fact, watched Dancing With The Stars Last Night... for the first time ever just to see our very own Hines Ward. I wanted to know if he was light in his loafers, and I was indeed impressed. But as Bruno would say, "You've go to get that piston moving!"
Just an embarrassing update (I voted for him)
Labuda on the Left Coast
Friday, March 18, 2011
March Sadness

Day two of the Brackets and Oh how the Mighty have fallen.In fact I do one bracket a year and it I won the head to head with my bracket against Travis Day in Louisville KY. It will go down in history as the First time in our Bracket challenge that I won the Bet in the first day of the Tournament.
Oh how I want Morehead(state University).......
Lets Go Pitt and Duquense!
Have a Great Celebration Weekend!
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Lá Fhéile Pádraig... That’s Gaelic for Amature Night.

While you light beer swilling scullery maids are adding green food coloring to your $2.50 draft beers us real Irish are left with nothing but a Holy of day obligation. Hey but at least us Irish Catholics didn’t have to plead with the pope for a special dispensation because it didn’t land on friday during lent this year so raise your glass to that. But mines filled with single malt Tullemore Dew, I’ll switch to beer later while I am stuffing my face with a nice brisket and some over cooked cabbage to try and quell the impending gas that is sure to follow.
So there are no snakes in Ireland... And today has Nothing to do with snakes. Snakes are a metaphor for the practitioners of pagan religions. St. Patrick, guess what not even Irish, Dude’s British. He was once kidnapped by a bunch Irish guys, so he may have a had a little bit of something to grind. So what does this guy do? That’s right, aligns himself with the most powerful organization in the world during the 4th century The Roman Catholic Church and decides hey I am going to become Priest go back to Ireland and Kick some Celtic ass... Please don’t confuse my use of the term Celtic ass with pedophilia, at this point that hadn’t happened Catholics were to busy force converting people different from them and killing Muslims... So long story short because the ice has melted in my glass and I can finish the single malt off in one gulp now. St. Patrick not Irish, kidnapped by the Irish he’s actually British, Paddy get’s pissed becomes a priest comes back to the Emerald Isle says convert or die you nature worshipping heathens oh and guess what every Sunday you have to give a guy with a funny hat 15% of your gross income not net income, some time passes by the King of England get’s a divorce people start wearing Orange, the Irish and Chinese build the Railroads, The IRA starts blowing up the English, U2, people think it’s cool to celebrate genocide, Bill Clinton-Peace accords.
I am off to take advantage to see if I can some college girls that think they are drunk off Guinness to show me their bare chests. It’s 4.5% alcohol you have to drink at least 8 to get hammered so that half of one you muscled down to try and look impressive probably didn’ do anything for you. No Fat Chicks Please!
Erin Go Bragh Everybody... Sláinte
So there are no snakes in Ireland... And today has Nothing to do with snakes. Snakes are a metaphor for the practitioners of pagan religions. St. Patrick, guess what not even Irish, Dude’s British. He was once kidnapped by a bunch Irish guys, so he may have a had a little bit of something to grind. So what does this guy do? That’s right, aligns himself with the most powerful organization in the world during the 4th century The Roman Catholic Church and decides hey I am going to become Priest go back to Ireland and Kick some Celtic ass... Please don’t confuse my use of the term Celtic ass with pedophilia, at this point that hadn’t happened Catholics were to busy force converting people different from them and killing Muslims... So long story short because the ice has melted in my glass and I can finish the single malt off in one gulp now. St. Patrick not Irish, kidnapped by the Irish he’s actually British, Paddy get’s pissed becomes a priest comes back to the Emerald Isle says convert or die you nature worshipping heathens oh and guess what every Sunday you have to give a guy with a funny hat 15% of your gross income not net income, some time passes by the King of England get’s a divorce people start wearing Orange, the Irish and Chinese build the Railroads, The IRA starts blowing up the English, U2, people think it’s cool to celebrate genocide, Bill Clinton-Peace accords.
I am off to take advantage to see if I can some college girls that think they are drunk off Guinness to show me their bare chests. It’s 4.5% alcohol you have to drink at least 8 to get hammered so that half of one you muscled down to try and look impressive probably didn’ do anything for you. No Fat Chicks Please!
Erin Go Bragh Everybody... Sláinte
May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind always be at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
and rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.
May the wind always be at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
and rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.
I love and miss you Granma.
Happy St. Patricks Day!

Saint Patrick, the holy and tutelar man;His beard down his bosom like Aaron's ran.Some from Scotland, some from Wales,will declare that's from where he came,But I care not, now he's risen to fame.The pride of the world and his enemies scorning,I will drink to St Patrick, today, in the morning!
May God Bless you and keep you this Weekend of Glad tidings!
Here we Go!
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Eve of all Eve's

NO, not that EVE....

Tonight is St. Patricks Day and March Madness Eve. It is absolutley the greatest time of the year. Tommorow also starts the Party Weekend. For anyone whom is Irish or has used Irish spring maybe once in their lives will claim to be Irish on the Death of St. Patrick. Time for Drunk white people everywhere to unite. oh boy.

Spring Break is Over and the Girls are back on the Links in the Midlands , that is where we Caught up with Super Senior( 6th year veteran) Carla. Carla has just dusted off that old set of Clubs from the closet and is getting back into the swing of things. She is very Excited to Get you in a Forsome for this upcoming Weekend of St Pats Shennanigans. When Carla is not on the course she is looking for Her skirt and or Pants. Carla wanted me to tell you that her main goal in life is not to see as many birdies as she can- but just to remain a little above Par.
Erin go Bragh, and Feck off
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Hola Yinz,

So I've safely made it back to the left coast, and as would be the norm... My life is an adventure. I met a few characters on my travels back to my resident city. EVERYONE is connected to Pittsburgh in some way. But is seems that everyone is connected to San Diego in the same way...
Years ago, the city of San Diego had a minor league hockey team (hard to believe I know!)...The San Diego GULLS!

San Diego Gulls...Logo?!
Well, Mike Lange "served as the play-by-play voice of the San Diego Gulls (WHL) in 1973-74 before joining the Penguins." I had no idea... I read this in ICETIME!

And upon further research of Mr. Lange...We share the same birthday! So Happy belated Birthday to MR. MICHAEL MICHAEL MOTORCYCLE HIMSELF!
Buy Sam a drink and get his dog one, too!
LETS GO PENS & Happy Saturday YINZ!
Labuda on the Left Coast
Friday, March 11, 2011
Go to Hail

So as usual the Pitt Panthers exited stage right yesterday losing their first round game against UCONN yesterday. What's new? Pitt went 26-4 in the regular season , and they are still a Number one rank overall for the NCAA tournament. WHY Bother to get excited? So now the waiting game goes into effect until 6pm on Selection Sunday!
Penguins went the other way this week giving a 3 year extension to Head Coach Disco Dan Billy-smith. He is also up for Coach of the year , as he continues to Push the Superstar-less Penguins on this drive toward the Playoffs. ( 2pm vs Habs on Saturday,1pm on Sunday) Matinee Weekend.
Kind of a Short Blog Today, I hope Everyone has a great weekend!
St. Patricks Day right around the corner, Basketball Brackets come out and Charlie Sheen still Winning.
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Can't see a Tan line can you Russ?

At most Major Universities this is the week of Spring Break. How do I know this , there is Parking available everywhere downtown, and it is relatively quiet. Having the Start of Major Baskball confrence tournaments, Mardi Gras and now Spring Break this has become quite the Party Week!

This is Ruby, Ruby is currently putting herself through school as a Chimney Sweep in North Rutherford NJ. She is a current JR at Rutgers University and Never takes her lucky Dew Rag off. Ruby is currently looking for a run of the Mill Heating and Air guy that she can settle down with. No matter what the tempature is Ruby is one hot number.
Don't get to crazy out there yinz kids!
animal house,
chimney sweeps.,
spring break 2011
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Last Day to let it all hang out....

As of Midnight it is now Mardi Gras. I think that one bar in Columbia they are celebrating it. dumb. I was at Mardi Gras in 2003, right down in the middle of it all.The only thing that I can remember is that I stayed on Pennsylvania avenue , I saw a naked jogger and The Food was unbelievable.

If you are not from New Orleans or Mississippi or any French part of the United States( St. Louis) Today is just another Tuesday.
This Tuesday marks the Start of the Major Basketball confrences tournaments to see whom will get into the feild of 68 come this weekend. The Mid Majors that played there way into tournament last weekend were the games to watch... these today not so much.

The Penguins whom are starting to heat up have one player schedualed back in the lineup this evening. K. Kunitz is supposed to return to the confines of the Consol Energy Center as the Pens take on the Sabres. If the Pens Win, they will tie the Phlyers for phirst place in the Atlantic Divison.

Everyone Enjoy Mardi Gras Someway, Lets go Pens.
Monday, March 7, 2011
Straight Jackets and Basketball Brackets.....

Let the Madness Begin. So when I was growing up I never had a good experience with Basketball. I tried out for the 6th Grade Team at St. Michael's Elementary and was cut. I couldn't understand it- but I was bummed. It turned out that my teacher and the rest of the guys on that team would turn out to be complete losers.(most of them in jail on internet porn convictions) Wow Glad I didn't make it.......
As I went to college and spent allot of time in Louisville KY, it was a Basketball town.( Pittsburgh a Football town) This was a new experience and I liked it.Lots of Games, lots of drinking and lots of Fun. The tradition of filling out the March Madness Brackets has become a staple this time of year with friends, and in offices around the nation. Trying to come up with every big upset is almost impossible/ but for my Best friend Travis and I it is all winning the bracket and about a 5th of Wild turkey.
Then came my YMCA coaching days in St. Louis Missouri. I coached two undefeated Seasons,and then was recruited to come down and Coach the St. Elizabeth Tournament in Louisville Kentucky. I coached and am still under contract to this Day. In 2005 we won our First and only Title. It was one of the most fullfilling things I have ever done in my Life. I still carry a peice of the Net In my Daytimer to this Day. ( Coaching Career Record 31-9-0)

March Madness is the purest form of Competition, there is a tournament ( like Karate Kid) that anyone from any conference can play into ,to become the National Champion. We have seen some of these Cinderella stories as the smaller conference teams are now competing with better players and better coaches every year. Then there is my team....

The Pitt Panthers are unbelievable in the regular season,(26-4 , First in the Big east, two First round byes) this year Pitt won the regular season title in the Big East. The Big East in my Opinon is the toughest confrence in the Nation. Many people will fight me that the ACC is the toughest year in and year out. But the level of play on any night in the Big East can not be compared to . ( Wake Forest and Clemson not entertaining)

Pitt Enters the Big East tournament Thursday at Noon. I have seen them win this tournament and then go on to the NCAA tournament and lay an egg at the elite 8 many times. So Do I want the Big East title.....for a kid that couldn't make the 6th Grade team bet your Ass I do!

Hail to Pitt
Thursday, March 3, 2011


So the Penguins are starting to look pretty ordinary. Lets Just say that the Month of February was a rough one for the Boys of Winter. Without the Likes of Geno Malkin and Sidney Crosby the Penguins except for between the pipes look pretty normal. Now Normal is not a bad thing and in Hockey you can get on Streaks. A Streak is something that can help in any sports that can propel a team to a championship. Ray Shero is a managing Genius, yeah he is. He has put together quite a team over the last 6 years and he still has the means to improve his product. With these last trades and the three players brought in making immediate impact the Penguins will be alright. But they won't be if they have another February.

We are also on the verge of an NFL Lock out. Ah Greed has overcome both sides of the negotiation process. This could be the beginning of the end for the 2011 NFL season. Chernobyl.
On the other end of the situation the Pittsburgh Panthers are still wining and still heading for that big showdown this weekend vs. Villanova for the Big East Regular season championship. If not the Irish will get that honor.
Penguins hockey , End of the NCAA regular season this weekend, and possibly the end of NFL for next year.
Alot to take in, better start a Backup plan.........
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Blog me, why yes you can!

Hit that low point in your week? Boss getting you down- do you know someone from Cleavland? All legitimate reasons for you to need a little Sexy Wednesday.
Back when this Blog was started in 1908 The Fore, Fore Pittsburgh Fore fathers whom used Buffalo skin and early ink to write this Blog would state how they loved the City of Pittsburgh and how Cleavland not even founded yet would Suck.

As the years passed, the Wednesdays became a real pain in the ass. That is where Sexy Wed was started. Legitimate tale A MSM Alum Alex Luchsinger started Sexy Wed when this Blog Started. I will up hold his tradition of Fake Text under a scantly clad Chica.
Luck of The Irish:
As you can see we are painting the MSM Green for the Rest of March for my Favorite Holiday( well # 3 behins Christmas and Halloween) St. Patricks Day. Our Lovelies for St. Patricks day are well dressed for the occasion.

This is Venessa whom is going to Celebrate St. Patricks day near the Ocean Front. Vanessa really Doesn't know anything about St. Pats. Ireland or the numerous Drinking Songs that make you feel bad or Drunk...........V Is just looking for a 3rd year Oceanographer Student whom can show her where the end of the Rainbow may be. No pun intended, she wants to know about her Porpoise in Life........
Have a Great week!
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
March Madness Begins

March Madness is a Win , Win for any sports fan. It doesn't matter if you are die hard into College ball or not . Everyone is a March Madness Fan. Gambling with Brackets helps too.
So are you a Basketball Fan? Not NBA but College? I am of sorts,when I was in College yes I was a Die Hard Basketball Fan . DI , DII you name it- I knew the record , seating in the tournament what their chances are and usually 8-10 times I could pick the winner. But as my Twilight years approach( 34) I am not as interested in putting that much time into Basketball as years before.
My last Live game was a Pre-season shoot around this year for South Carolina. Not that interesting any more. I notice that as the March Madness Begins I have watched PITT play 7 times in the last 3 weeks, so it's peaking my Interest. But here is my dilemma.
PITT plays games with my Heart.

Panthers Fans Know that if we every get close to the Elite 8 or ( god forbid) the Final 4 they are going to leave me at the Prom holding my dates flowers again. So like every year I am going to put on my PITT stuff and watch the BIG EAST tournament live from NEW YORK's Madison Square Garden( 1 week) ,they are going to fight to the Championship or not, but they will have me right then.Then I am going to invest the rest of the month Pulling , watching the tournament and raising absolute hell when they leave me at the prom again.
....Guess who rented his tux?
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