Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Blog me, why yes you can!

Hit that low point in your week? Boss getting you down- do you know someone from Cleavland? All legitimate reasons for you to need a little Sexy Wednesday.

Back when this Blog was started in 1908 The Fore, Fore Pittsburgh Fore fathers whom used Buffalo skin and early ink to write this Blog would state how they loved the City of Pittsburgh and how Cleavland not even founded yet would Suck.

As the years passed, the Wednesdays became a real pain in the ass. That is where Sexy Wed was started. Legitimate tale A MSM Alum Alex Luchsinger started Sexy Wed when this Blog Started. I will up hold his tradition of Fake Text under a scantly clad Chica.

Luck of The Irish:

As you can see we are painting the MSM Green for the Rest of March for my Favorite Holiday( well # 3 behins Christmas and Halloween) St. Patricks Day. Our Lovelies for St. Patricks day are well dressed for the occasion.

This is Venessa whom is going to Celebrate St. Patricks day near the Ocean Front. Vanessa really Doesn't know anything about St. Pats. Ireland or the numerous Drinking Songs that make you feel bad or Drunk...........V Is just looking for a 3rd year Oceanographer Student whom can show her where the end of the Rainbow may be. No pun intended, she wants to know about her Porpoise in Life........
Have a Great week!

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