Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Truck Stop...Wednesday

Hey guys,

So this week has been manic, so much that I thought today was Tuesday and then realized it was Wednesday and then Wade asked me to blog for him, so I am blogging. I have been getting to work at 5 and 6am the past couple days to drive around the state for pipeline meetings. The speaker from these meetings is an original Pittsburgher and he lives in Ellwood City, which is near B Brog's house, I think? Anywho, just wanted you to know that I am continuing to be followed by all things Pittsburgh.

This past week the Steelers played the Browns and won, surprise. I watched the game and thought that Big Ben played well, but apparently the media did not. Oh well, I am excited for what is to come. Also, I am sure you have heard by now, but James Harrison was fined $75k for his dirty/illegal hits. It was rumored that Harrison was considering retiring, but Tomlin said he expected Harrison to be at training tomorrow. I guess we will find out soon.

Bigger News: Wade and I booked plane tickets to come up to the Steelers-Jets game Dec 19. I am excited to be attending my first ever NFL game and seeing the burgh all decorated for Christmas! Fingers crossed for snow!!

We do not have game tickets yet, so if you know of any, let us know!

Can't wait for my second trip up!


1 comment:

B Brog said...

the league also instantiated the helmet-to-helmet hits as "suspendable" offenses. go onto and see mark schlereth's rant about it. good stuff. the nfl is turning into the mls (schlereth's comment and i agree).