Wednesday, October 27, 2010

All Hallows Eve, Monolith and A win is a win......


Do you remember picking out your Halloween costume when you were little. I do . I know another random strange fact from the world that I live in. I can remember going to the 5 n dime in Downtown Elizabeth Pa and looking at all the costumes that would come in the little cardboard boxes. The costumes ranged from GI Joe , to Transformers for boys to Barbie and some other dumb girls costume.

Second Thing I remember was trying to figure out how you could coax your parents into going into town and Trick or treating.I can remember that we Trick or treated in the same neighborhood as the one and only( night of the living dead) George Ramero. The other thing that i remember was that he never gave out candy. He was a bum.

What a time we had.

Halloween is now quite different. Instead of raiding your closet and having your mom or grandma make you a costume - you can go to any run of the mill Halloween stores and get whatever you want. In fact those huge Halloween stores kind of take the fun out of Halloween by pigeon Holing you into the "best Costume of the year".

Kinda dumb.

Still I fight the same old , same old dress up as Austin Powers etc run of the mill costume. It is a fact that I will never grow up. I love Halloween, and all the good that it does for kids. I think kids are being pushed to grow up to fast anymore. Let the kids Enjoy Halloween.

Even as an adult I look forward to our Annual Halloween Party and dressing up, giving out candy and watching the Steelers.
That's right Watching the Steelers,for the second time in my adult life I am throwing a Halloween party on a steelers game. Steelers and Saints write it down - Sunday 8:20. Big easy.
The thing that I don't get about Halloween is how Slutty the Girls dress and get away with it. When was the last time you saw a real sexy Bo peep, oh that's right Halloween. Hey sluts give me a break. The only true Halloween that is left, is that solid 30 minutes of The great Pumpkin Charlie Brown. ( oh that and baby Butterfingers)
Steelers win.

Ok National Media we get it, we got a boarder line win. We get it. We were given the game as usual. Not so fast. Hey if you really watch the replays - the refs gave us the game. Oh yeah and Jeff reed kicking it through- really didn't matter. Blah get over it- were 5-1.

I am not a big tech guy, but this past week I upgraded my phone to a Tmobile, android G2 phone. It has so many applications it is ridiculous. I call it the Monolith. That's what it is.

Sorry that my Blogs have been sporadic lately, I look forward to talking more about the steelers as the weeks go into the second part of the season. I also can't wait to start talking about the Pens and their ongoing season.

But until then , Happy Hallows Eve.

And get those kids off my lawn


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