Monday, August 23, 2010

Truck Tuesday

This past weekend the Igloo Club 222 had its kickoff the season party. Over 30 people attended so we had a full house and as far as I could tell everyone had a good time. I hadn't seen many of the people who attended since January. This definitely brought back memories of last year when I had just moved in and the IC222 had its first party - I was scared to death. For some reason I got the impression that this group of people was going to be a rowdy bunch...and I was kind of a wimp back then. They were people of all ages who seemed to have nothing in common other than their love for the black and gold, and I really didn't understand that at all. After seeing this group on an almost weekly basis for several months, this group really grew on me. Its funny because now I really see the group as a sort of family and once you're in, you're always in. To say the least, I am already looking forward to the next gathering.

Well, if you didn't figure it out from the above the post, the only reason we were able to get everyone here was because we bought the pre-season game. Now, I usually watch most of the games, but when it comes to pre-season, I could care less. So basically, no I did not watch a single minute of the game, but I heard the Steelers won, which is good, I guess, even though it doesn't matter. I came across this pic online today of a cat that ran across the field during the game - not sure if that was aired or not, but I found it rather amusing - and clearly the giants coaches did too. I think it is so funny because it reminds me of the puke covered squirrel in hot tub time mashine that runs across the field in the football game and causes stu to lose his bet. If you haven't seen hot tub time mashine - do it - now.

Have a happy truck tuesday.


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