Friday, August 20, 2010

Penn State Phryday


It's finally that time again. Time to return to Happy Valley and get ready for the greatest show in college football. 110,000 of my "family and friends" that will be with me every Saturday through thick and thin (unless they are from Philadelphia or Jersey, they only care about the team when we're winning), rain or shine and Ohio or Indiana. The big football blogs will begin in 2 weeks, on football eve. As for now, we'll just let you know what's going on in the Valley.

Move-in day is tomorrow and I have already seen the effects of this year's idiot freshman crowd. Hoards of ungrateful little punks with false senses of entitlement and celebrity have started flooding dahntahn State College. "I'll just park right here, they can deal with it. Let's drive 15 in a 35 so we can see the campus buildings from the street. I can't believe mom and dad are making me carry this stuff..." kids these days. Personally, I came back on Tuesday for orientation into the Professional Science Masters of Biotechnology. At the time of my arrival, the only people here were the snobby honors college students and the international students. Hundreds of far easterners running around in groups of 8 or more, taking pictures at every bush, building, wall and light post. Go home tourists. I forgot that this university brings me to borderline ethnocentrism. But it is still the only place I could ever want to be for my education.

If any of you dear readers are planning on visiting Nittany Nation this year, allow yourself extra time in transit. Interstate 80 is "under construction" in multiple places. When I say "under construction," I mean there are plenty of signs and cones, but no workers in sight. Also, just on the local news yesterday, Interstate 99 and the interchange of I-99 and US-322 are going to be "under construction." PennDOT says, and I quote, "inferior concrete was used in the initial construction of the road and it must be repaired before the middle of October so the new material cures." Why does nobody like PennDOT? It's because they give contracts to the lowest cost estimate and not the contractor who will lay down quality work. Therefore, let's do it cheaply and then wait until the football season to repair it when 250,000 people have to drive it to get to the games.

Looking forward to the Dark Horse Tavern, $4 dozen wings on Monday and Thursday 8:00-10:00pm. Looking forward to the Rathskellar, trivia night on Thursdays from 10:00pm-12:00am. Looking forward to Zeno's with their 250+ beers for selection. One last hoorah in Happy Valley. Let's make it worth it.

For the Glory,
B Brog

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